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{Reyna's POV}

I reached the Lookout Point, and saw that Trent was standing there with his back to me, and I could smell Tye.

"I suggest you that you leave. My dad and Kate are combing the woods now, and I suggest you warn the rest."

I heard him say. "Or I could just rip your throat out right here, for once again, betraying us again."

Tye snapped. "Yeah you could."

Trent said, and held a gun to his chin, and Tye was still. "But you won't." He said and I shook my head.

"Stop it! You complete idiots!" I said, getting in between them, and Trenton put his gun away. "How dare you?"

I asked quietly, my voice a loud growl as I faced off with him, growling a lot.

I heard someone coming towards us, and I grabbed Tye quickly, as both of us raced up the nearest trees, staying hidden, while Trenton, met with Kate and our dad.

I could feel the rage coming from Tye, as I leaned on him, and I could hear it, his heartbeat slowing down, as he did slowly, and eventually calm down.

Trent came back to let us know it was all clear, and I dropped down, landing next to Tye.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, shoving my brother hard, in the chest and sending him back onto his ass.

Trent looked at me, and I let out a low growl at him. "You asshole." Tye said I looked at him, and shook my head.

"I'll see you guys later. I have to check on Junior." I said, and followed a trail, back to the Hale House.

I found a blood trail, and I felt my heartbeat as it picked up fast, and I was panicking now.

Suddenly, Talia came out of the house, with two people behind her. "Who the hell are you two?"

I asked, and Derek came up next to me with Tye. "Reyna. This is Brett and Lorilee Talbot. They are part of the pack, that Talia is a part of."

Tye said, and I looked at them, one who was 14, and the other who was barely 11.

"Where have I heard those names before? I know I have." I asked Tye quietly, and Tye sighed.

"They were a part of our mom's pack, before the fire. Their parents were lot of, and some of our fiercest protectors to the last man."

He said, and Brett looked at him.

"How's it going Tye?" He asked, and Tye looked at him. "Better then it was a couple years ago."

He said, and Brett shook hands with him, before looking at me. "You're an Argent." He asked accusingly.

"Yes I am. But I'm also a werewolf." I said, and my eyes glowed yellow. He looked at me, and stepped back.

"Who bit you?" He asked, and I looked at Tye, who's eyes glowed red. "So she is your mate." He said, and I snorted.

"Mate no. Girlfriend yes. Anchor yes. Learn the difference kid." I said, and Tye chuckled.

"Wow. You picked a tough one." Lori said quietly. "Yeah well, she's a part of the pack now. So you two better go let Satomi know."

Tye said, and Brett hugged Tye, and he squeezed Talia's arm gently, before running off with Lori behind him.

Talia looked at us. "Yeah go ahead. Go with them." I said, and the young wolf raced after them, smiling as she did.

"She's so cute." Tye said, and Lily walked out of the Hale House, and she watched her young daughter.

{1} Silver Bullet }Teen Wolf{Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang