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{Reyna's POV}

"Who's idea was this again?" I asked, my phone pressed to my ear. "Derek's but you don't have to do this."

Tye said. "Yes she does. She's the one most likely to get killed by the Alpha. So yes, she has to." I heard Derek say.

"I hate you." Tye said, and I heard screeching wheels, and I felt my heart beat pick up fast.

"Guys we have a big problem." I said quietly, and Tye was listening. "Kate just got here."

I said quietly, and I pulled out my guns full of normal bullets, and I heard her shout "Come On!"

Presumably to the Alpha. "Guys. She's getting out her assault rifle." I said, as I saw her do so.

"Tye whatever you're gonna do, do it quick, because she has never missed."

I said, and I saw her walk to the alley, where both of the boys, were chasing the alpha.

I heard the gun go off two times, and I heard the thuds of bodies hit ground. I lost it, and began to fire at Kate.

She managed to move for cover, and I looked at her, dead in the eyes. "Rey?" She asked, and I looked at her.

"Stay out of the pack's way. We'll find the Alpha, for you, if you let us." I said coldly, and I put my guns away.

I ran quickly to where I had heard the bodies fall. I saw Tye was grunting, as he looked at something on his arm. He looked up at me, and I hugged him.

"I don't know what kind of bullet." I said quietly, and he looked at me. "Are you sure?"

He asked quietly, and I looked at the wound, and I felt tears rolling down my cheeks.

Derek had a bullet in the same place, same arm. "This is why we stay away from Kate Argent. I warned you, she never misses with that thing." I said.

"Look. We know you're right. Congrat to you. Now let's go." Derek said, as he tried to get himself up.

I helped Tye up, since he looked weaker then Derek. "Who got hit first?"

I asked quietly, knowing that Kate could still be around, knowing her habits. "Me."

Tye said quietly, and I looked at him.

"Younger werewolves are more vulnerable and much more... reactive to wolfsbane."

I said, and he looked at me.

"How long do we have?" He asked quietly, and I looked at both him and Derek.

"Derek I'd give 48 hours, maybe 50. I'd say closer to 36 for you." I said quietly, and Tye staggered, and I quickly slung his arm around my neck.

"Easy there wolf. You're not out of the race yet." I said quietly, and I manage to get them both, to the Camaro before they passed out.

I looked at my phone, and I, now feeling extremely guilty, I called Trent, and I waited as the phone rang.

"I can't talk now." He said, and I sigh.

"Trent look, I know I owe you a lot of favors already, but I need help. What kind of wolfsbane is blue? It glows."

I said, and he snorted. "Nordic Blue Monkshood. Why?" He asked, and I sighed.

"Kate's gotten into town a few hours ago. She hit Derek and Tye both with them."

"I have none of my own, because Dad was going to teach me later when we, ended up covering guns."

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