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Reyna knocked out the hunter with a hard punch to the temple, as Tye and Derek looked relieved to see the two of them. "Kate did this?" She looked between the electricity torture system, to the two werewolves and Tye grimaced. "What are you doing?" She asked and a loud crack was heard.

"Dislocating my thumb." He muttered and managed to get one of his hands free and got the other one out the same way, by dislocating both of his thumbs. "I can teach you if you want, but I have a feeling that you already know how to." He said and she hugged him at once, and he was, slowly regaining his footing.

"Peter isn't on our side, Derek. He wants us as his pack, specifically Scott and you. He would try to get Tye and I on his side, but he knows better apparently,... then to have an Argent in his pack like this, even if she has proven herself constantly to be helpful to you guys." She murmured half to herself, as she handed Tye his jacket, which he just zipped back over his bare chest, seeing no reason to have the bullet-hole ridden shirt on his person again.

"Look, I believe Scott and Reyna. But if you want to believe in Peter after all of the evidence has been stacked against him, then go ahead. But then, you are going to be stuck in those chains for much longer than you originally wanted to be, nephew." It was the first time that Tye had referred to Derek as his nephew, and it felt awkward beyond all belief.

"I'll help you." Derek growled with anger now, after Scott had told him the truth about the deer photo, with the revenge spiral clawed deep into its' side and Peter's potential involvement with it that was a sure sign of evidence against him, that not even Derek Hale of all people, could be convinced to possibly ignore.

They were outside now and Kate shot a gun at Reyna, who hit the ground hard with a loud scream, which Allison recognized as her own twin sister. "But, you said that we were just going to catch them." Allison clearly didn't understand Kate's motives about this, as Reyna was now coughing and choking, from the bullets.

"Oh honey, we did catch them, together. But now that we have caught them all, well... at least most of them, anyways? We need to kill them." Kate fired another bullet at Derek, as an solid example, as Tye had disappeared suddenly. "Come on out, Tyler! Or, just maybe, I should keep shooting holes in your mate! I know you can hear me!"

Reyna cried out in a furious, white-hot pain, as she roared and another bullet sunk into her leg and she shakes her head, as she spotted a pair of red eyes in the shadows. The red eyes that did not intend to ever scare her, or anyone in Beacon Hills. "Run." Her mouth barely opened, as she begged with her own eyes, for the red eyes to run. But as usual for the stubborn Hale, he did the opposite of that.

Kate's gun was suddenly thrown to the side and a howl, a proper wolf howl, echoed through the woods around them. Derek's eyes were widening as were Reyna's now, as they turn both of their heads in unison, to try to figure out where the howls were coming from.

Two red-eyed black wolves were loping towards them, along with a much smaller blue-eyed wolf following them, the smaller wolf had blue eyes, that looked like ice chips. "Lily, Talia... Tye must have evolved." Reyna whispered and the biggest of the black wolves was clearly Tye, since he was the biggest out of the current group.

"Doesn't matter. He is going to die anyways!" Kate pointed another gun at Tye's wolf forehead and her other hand had one pointed at Reyna, but a familiar face, interrupted the both of their attempted murders.

"No one asked you to murder innocent people. There were children in that fire, and one of them is right in front of you." Chris said and looked over at Tye's wolf form, and it had disappeared, as he was standing up with his chest still bloody, from Kate shooting him in the bunker. "Human children were in that fire, Kate." He said and held a gun to point at Kate, and fired a shot at a tree to prove his point.

Kate lowered the gun away from Scott and Chris looked over at Tye, with a thousand apologies in his eyes and Tye shakes his head slightly, a surprisingly forgiving look in his eyes. "I only ever blamed the Argent who was responsible for the fire, not the whole family." He said quietly and he walked over to Reyna, who was forcing her healing to kick into overdrive.

He helped her to lean back against a tree, while the door to the Hale House creaked open and Peter sent everybody flying, except for Kate. When Allison ran out of the house looking stricken with horror, Tye looked at Reyna, who nodded slightly.

"Do what you have to. He is your older brother, Tye, yes. But you don't have to become the monster that he has become, in order to defeat him." She murmured and he nodded, as she leaned in for a hug.

Scott was thrown out of the window and behind him, out came Alpha-form Peter. A literal monster out of a nightmare, as Tye bared his fangs and leapt forward, arching over Scott's head and sinking his claws into Peter's shoulders with roars of pain and fury.

Peter flung him off with a force like thunder and didn't stop for a break for even a second, as suddenly both of the alphas were howling. Tye had become the wolf once again, while Peter was still in a beast-mode.

Tye was howling in pure and truly agonizing pain, and Reyna was crying out and screaming for Peter to stop it, begging and pleading for the other alpha to let his younger brother go. Peter had his massive jaws around Tye, and he was trying to crush his spine. "Peter, please!" Reyna shouts and her eyes were flaring yellow weakly, but with Tye trapped, her options were limited in terms of what she could do.

Then loud honking was heard. Peter dropped Tye onto the ground in surprise, flinging the severely injured alpha onto the ground nearest to Chris and Allison, as Stiles and Jackson got out of the Porsche and Stiles flung a Molotov Cocktail at Peter, who caught it in his hand. Until Allison shot the bottle, so that it burst into flames. Jackson threw his as well, and Peter was staggering away from them, as the fire faded and he was burned even more severely than before, as Tye was lying on the ground as a human once again, with Reyna doing her best to take his pain away.

Derek walked out of the Hale House and went straight over to a dying Peter, and he crouched over him with his claws already extended. "Derek, wait!" Scott begged him, but Derek slashed his uncle's throat without hesitation.

"I'm the Alpha now." Derek's voice, it had momentarily deepened, with the arrival of his newfound powers and Tye managed to get up and grimaced in agony, as he limped over to Derek and stuck out his hand. Derek shook it quickly and Lily walked over with Talia, and the four living Hales, they hugged each other and Reyna looked over her shoulder at Allison and Chris, who were backing away from her.

Tye looked sympathetically at her and he inclined his head slightly toward her, and Reyna walked hesitantly over to the four Hales and Tye hugged her quickly, bringing her into their circle with no problems from the others.

"Welcome to the family, Argent." Lily's voice was legitimately welcoming now and Reyna's eyes were pleasantly surprised, as she leaned into Tye, who was recovering surprisingly fast from the back injuries already.

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