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{Reyna's POV}

I whistled twice, and Trent opened the door, and Tye walked in after me and he staggered.

"Slow acting wolfsbane." He said, and his claws were sinking into his palms, and going visible and then not again.

"Find Derek." I said, and Trent went onto the roof and I heard his roar that echoed around Beacon Hills.

Another howl echoed back at him but it definitely was not Derek's howl, that did. "Trent. Who did you call?"

I asked quietly. "I don't know." Trent said, pulling out a gun from his pocket and I looked at him. "Not who."

Tye said, grunting as he tried to stand up his eyes glowing red savagely as he stood. "It's a what." He said.

"The Alpha." I said, and he nodded. "It found us." He said quietly and then he let out a howl of his own.

I leaped up onto the roof next to him, and he howled again. "What did your howl do?"

Scott asked, as Tye and I leapt down from the roof, landing quickly on the ground in front of him.

"I let him know there's another alpha in town." Tye said shaking his arms as I looked up at the moon, which was a crescent moon.

"I hear Derek." I said, and Tye looked at me, and I bowed my head to listen, and Tye focused as well.

"Come on. We have to go." I said, and he nodded, and I took my car keys, as Trent took his motorcycle, and Stiles, with Scott drove the Jeep.

Tye got in the passenger seat, and I drove off. "Tell me the traffic as we go, our ears are better then the radio."

I said, and he nodded.

"Hard left. There's a detour, but everyone's taking it." He said, and I did as he said.

He was thrown against the passenger side door. "Ow." He said. "Sorry. I am a bit surprised thought, that you did not go completely right through it." I said.

"I know my own strength. I'm pretty sure I would win against a car door." I heard him mutter.

I kept driving, with him giving me occasional advice on the roads, and I listened most of the time.

We reached the Animal Clinic, and Tye froze his eyes glowing red slightly and I looked at him. "Tye." I said.

"I'm okay." He said quietly, and I nodded, and got out of the car, and he followed me inside.

I opened the door, and I heard grunts.

"Derek!" Tye snapped, as we saw that Alan Deaton, the veterinarian, and he who was also Scott's boss was stuck in a chair with duct tape, and was being, brutalized by Derek.

"Hey!" I snapped, and pushed him hard, and Derek backed off. "We'll know if he's the alpha now."

He said, and pushed me aside, and I crashed into a glass cabinet shoulder first and groaned. "Derek!"

Tye snarled, his fangs coming out now, and he was also holding his own shoulder. "Sorry."

Derek muttered, and when he went to hit Deaton again, someone else's hand caught his wrist this time.

I saw Scott and Stiles had finally arrived, and Scott was fully shifted now, fangs bared.

"Hit him again, and you'll see me really angry." He said, and Derek let out a low growl. "Fine." He said.

I moved my way out of the remains of the glass medicine cabinet and then.. I looked at Stiles.

"Be careful of all of the glass on the ground. Derek has a certain charm of throwing people through glass."

I said, and Tye looked at me, and he reached out his hand. I nodded, and he gripped my shoulder gently, and then I felt the pain going away.

"Thanks." I said, and he quickly nodded at me, and I looked at Doctor Deaton.

He was a mess of blood and bruises.

"Derek what?..." Lily said, coming into the room, and stopping cold in place. I saw her shock. "Derek you idiot!"

She snapped, and quickly ran to the veterinarian. "What? He's a vet." Her twin snapped back at her.

"He was also our mother's Emissary."

Lily said, and Derek stopped cold in his tracks and only a quiet growl from Lily broke the silence in the room, as she quickly pulled off Deaton's duct tape restraints.

"Are you serious?" Derek asked. "Yes she is." Tye said, kneeling next to the unconscious vet, and taking on some of his pain.

"Thank. You." The Vet whispered, and Tye smiled slightly. "Rest." He said and he turned to Scott.

"You're gonna use your howl to get the Alpha to come to you?" I asked as Scott had quickly finished, explaining his entire plan.

"This plan sucks." Tye said, as he pulled the final piece of glass out of my arm.

"No kidding. But do you have a better one is the real question?" Stiles asked, and I looked at him.

"I'd better bring my weapons." I said, and grabbed my guns and put them in my pockets.

"I'll meet you at the High School."

I said and Tye raised his eyebrows.

"I'm going to be a few minutes. I'm not planning to be a dead kid." I said, and he growled slightly.

"Derek take Deaton. Lily go with him to make sure he doesn't take his claws to Deaton again. Scott and Stiles bring some bolt cutters."

I said. "Don't you have claws?" Stiles asked. "I don't feel like picking a lock with my clawed fingers. Bring some."

I said my voice tone now completely no-nonsense and stubborn it was now clear that I wasn't accepting any other suggestions anymore.

I stood with Tye outside the Animal Clinic. "Don't die." He said, and I look at him.

"I'll meet you at the High School." I said, tossing him the keys, and I raced off quickly.

I was in the Distillery, and I pried open a hidden compartment, and I opened it and there was a bow.

I saw carefully labelled arrows next to it, and I took both. Then, I grabbed a bunch of wolfsbane bullets, hoping that I wouldn't have to use them.

I opened the box, and looked at them in silence counting quickly. There was 10.

10 chances to get a shot on the Alpha.

I thought grimly, as I shut the box with a snap, and went quickly to meet the others.

{1} Silver Bullet }Teen Wolf{जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें