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{Reyna's POV}

I woke up, and I drove myself to school like normal, not even caring about leaving my twin behind.

I saw a bus opened, and covered in blood splatters everywhere. I pulled out my phone quickly, and saw Tye was already next to me.

"Tye..." I started to say, but he was already walking over to the scene, and I saw his eyes briefly glowing before he walked under the tape.

I sighed, and pulled out my phone, and dialed a number, and held my phone to my ear.

"Derek? It's about Tye." I said quietly, and the voice sighed on the other end of the line.

"I'll be right there." Derek said.

I was in the corner, still watching Tye, when Derek appeared next to me, as I knew Tye had done before.

"You said right there. It took you 20 minutes." I said, and he looked at me.

"Look Rey..." I glared at him. "Call me that again and I shoot you." I said, and he sighed.

"Argent. I get that you're worried about him, but I have to watch out for both your family, that is hunting me and him, as well as my own."

He said, and Tye came over, and he looked at me. "You called Derek? Don't you Argents have a rule against this?"

He asked, and I looked at him. "Don't play smart. What the hell is wrong in your head Tye? You'll bring my family down on top of you!"

I said quietly, my voice completely terrified. "Let them come. Let them all come."

Tye said, his voice filled with cold venom, the same that filled his voice the other night when he was angry with Derek.

"You want them to bring Kate." I said quietly, and my mind, was now finally finding the pieces to the right puzzle.

"10 points to Argent." Tye said, his voice filled with fury, as he walked away. "That went well." Derek said, looking at me.

"Now what?" He asked, and I looked at him. "Go after him. I've got school. I need to keep an eye out for and on as well, our resident new Beta."

I said, and he looked at me.

"He's dating your sister. Are you ready to watch his every move? Even if it reveals the hunting life to your twin?"

He asked, and I looked at him.

"I need to protect Trent. Tye. You. Scott." I said, and my face scrunched up briefly.

"Not necessarily in that particular order of names. But I need to protect all of you. If that means revealing this world to Allison, I'll do it."

I said, and he looked at me. "Are you sure this isn't about what Tye sent to you this morning?"

Derek asked, and I looked at him. "Go after your little brother Derek." I said, and he walked away.

I took a deep breath, and slowly let it out, as I walked into the high school, it was now my third living nightmare.

I was sitting in Economics, doing my pop quiz, that wasn't a pop quiz ever, because Coach always announces it two days before.

I finished it, and handed it into him before the bell as usual, and Scott was out of the room as the bell rang.

I felt like an intruder, as I followed them both, him and Allison, out of the room.

They went to the locker next to mine, which was of course, Allison's, then at the totally worst moment possible for me, kissed.

I felt my stomach rolling, and I felt like I was going to be sick. I ran into the girl's room, and locked the stall door, and heaved into the toilet.

I heard someone walking in and I was shaking over the toilet, on my knees. I heard Allison's boots.

"Reyna? Are you okay?" She asked, and I looked in her general direction through the stall door. "Yeah..."

I started to say, but I immediately turned back to the toilet, and heaved again, vomiting into the toilet.

I opened the door, and she came back with the school nurse and a shudders, was now rippling through me.

The nurse said I was to go home, but told me that I wasn't to be driving any where. "I'll take her."

I turned to see Tye standing there, his hands in his pockets casually. "Alright Reyna."

"So you have been excused from all further classes today." The nurse said, and I walked outside with Tye.

"So should I get a bucket?" He asked, and I looked at him. "One minute you are storming off because I mentioned my aunt, and the next you're driving me home? What is this Tye?"

I asked, and he looked at me.

"Look, I know I'm not perfect. I know revenge, justice, and vengeance aren't the same thing. But if there's anyone of your family that I like better then Trent, the only option would be you."

Tye said, and I looked at him.

"What I got out of that was you want to be.... A bit closer then we are now, but don't want to get killed."

I said, as he looked at me. "You're right. Any chance I can take you on a ride before we get back to yours?"

He asked, holding his hand out for my keys, which I gave to him. I caught the quick look in the sideview mirror.

On a random car of my face, and I pulled up my hood. "Hey. You look just as beautiful as you always do."

Tye said quietly, and pulled the hood down and off my head when we were both in the car. "You're a good liar."

I said, and he looked at me. "So are you. The only difference is, I can hear your heartbeat."

Tye said, and I lowered my head.

"Oh, heart just jumped. Excitement? Fear? Longing? Maybe all of them at once?"

Tye asked, and I looked at him. "Hale. Shut up now." I said, feeling my pulse rising fast.

"Anger." He said, and I clenched my fists hard around the armrests, and I looked at him. "Shut up."

I said quietly, and he looked at me.

"Rey did I..." I nodded at his words, and I wrapped my arms around my body, and he hugged me tightly.

"I love you." He said quietly, but it was muffled, by the fact that his mouth, on my own, was muffling it.

"If my family..." I started to say, but he shook his head at me and my worries, about what they'll do.

"They won't. Unless you say anything, they can't." Tye said, and I looked up, I heard a mechanical - like noise.

"I heard it to." Tye said, and he looked at me. "It sounded like a..." He said, as my eyes widened with fear.

"A camera." I whispered, my voice devastated. "Tye run." I said, and he looked at me. "What?"

He asked, and I heard people coming.

"Tye run! They're coming for you!" I yelled, and hunters exploded, out of the woods from every direction.

Tye roared in response, and all of the damned guns went off, all pointed at my car, with both of us in it.

"Tye run!"

I screamed, and he looked at me, and I saw that he was fully changed, and his eyes were still human, full of pain.


I said, and he disappeared, racing away, as the guns continued to fire, as if they thought I was hiding more.

I lowered my head into my hands, and I was looking at the gun, in my hands, that was shaking.

All I could think was...

'What have I done?'

{1} Silver Bullet }Teen Wolf{Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora