Grand Opening Ep.8

Start from the beginning

"It's called geek, not nerd." Yoosung pipes. "Aren't you a nerd too if you understand that reference?".

"Whatever", Seven laughs, making Yoosung make an irritated scowl, but his overall adorableness making it seem very nonthreatening. Seven smirks at the face Yoosung is making.

"What would you guys like? Or are you just here to check the place out?" I ask.

"We just came to show our support!" Seven explains. "Pretty quiet here huh...".

I peer over the guys shoulders, "Yeah, but seeing you guys here seems to be drawing in more customers.", noticing a couple walk by. The girl pointing through the window asking him something to which he nods and they walk in.

"Give me your sweetest drink M'lady!" Seven orders.

"I'll take whatever has the most caffeine..." Yoosung says.

The guys stay and chat a bit longer but soon start heading off to do their own things, having a group in the shop definitely helped, but all things considered it's pretty empty. Jumin headed off with Yoosung to go work more, and Seven left to do 'godly stuff', leaving Zen behind at a booth.

"Not leaving yet?" I ask, taking a seat in the across from him in the booth.

"Nah not yet.", he shrugs, "I still have fifteen minutes or so before I need to go to rehearsal, so why not wait here.". He looks out the window and watches for the occasional passerby.

"Hey Zen, I have a favor to ask.".

He turns to me with full interest, "Oh? Shoot.".

I bite my lip. Should I even ask for this? I'd hate for Jaehee to think all our work went to waste... "Can you...", uncertain, I continue "Maybe shout us out on social media?".

He thinks about it for a while, fixing his jaw shut as he mulls it over, "I suppose, for a friend.", he finally says.

"Thank you." I say, very grateful but also slightly ashamed I had to ask for help to get our coffee shop going. "Please don't tell Jaehee I asked." I add.

"Don't worry about it, ok?". He goes up to the counter, and I follow behind. "Jaehee?" He hollers into the kitchen area, where Jaehee had been trying to distract herself with more baking.

She comes up to the front desk, "Do you need something?" she asks.

"Uh, Yeah!" He subtly winks at me, letting me know that he wont mention I asked him to help. "One cup of whatever you recommend, extra whipped cream.". He notices the display case of cakes, bending to closely examine them, carefully considering the options, "And a slice of your 'Death by Chocolate.'."

"I thought you stayed on a diet." Jaehee says, shifting her weight onto one foot and crossing her arms trying to read him.

"I usually do, but I feel like treating myself today." he says with an almost blinding smile.

"But what about your act-" Jaehee starts.

Zen puts his hands up to stop her, "Please, I insist.".

"Alrighty...", I start getting his cake, "If you say so.".

Jaehee hands him his drink and I slide his cake over to him.

He starts reaching for his wallet, but Jaehee stops him saying "I think we can spare some coffee and cake for a good friend.".

"So I get free food here?" he says with a smirk.

After a bit of a pause, and a playful roll of the eyes, she answers "Within reason, and if you push it, this is going to end up a one time thing.".

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