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A/N: after doing some thinking I will not be editing out all of the @$! symbols I used to "mask" swear words. I wrote this story when I was a little younger and thought it was doing something. . .

I just don't want to edit the story too much and lose all the hilarious comments attached to the paragraphs lol!!!!



"I want to fvck!ng kill him!" Jon exclaimed.

I was currently trying to bandage up the cut on his cheek in the bathroom. He had been going on for about two hours about his new hatred towards Storm, but I wasn't buying it because they were so close.

"Stop moving, Jon." I informed him.

"Sorry." He apologized, keeping his face still. "I just really want to kill him."

"Why would he do such a thing?" I whispered, referring to killing that man in front of me and hitting Jon.

Jon got up and inspected his face in the mirror. "Thanks, Liv. And I know why the fvck he did that."

I looked up at him, my curiosity clear in my expressions.

"He was fvck!ng jealous, that's why." Jon exposed, becoming agitated again. "He's jealous of every man who gets close to you, including me."

"What?" It appalled me because Storm had made it clear that he didn't want me in the same way I did. Jealousy came from emotions, and he couldn't really have emotions for me and then go out and have sex with another woman.

"Storm. Is. A. Jealous. Fvck!ng. German. Nazi. B!tch!" Jon articulated. I rolled my eyes at him and walked out of the washroom.

"Sleep on it, Jon." I told him as we reached my door. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked off to his room.

As I got dressed for bed, Jon's verdict about Storm's feelings for me was fresh in my mind. It seemed almost impossible to me that he was jealous. Especially when he knew how I felt for him, and could get me anytime he wanted, but never made an attempt to.

I didn't believe it. I couldn't believe it.

As I was laying down on my bed, looking out the window, I heard my door open from behind me.

It was Storm.

He was standing at the door like a psychopath, staring at me through the darkness and completely silent.

"Storm?" I said.

He walked in. "Why are you not in my room?"

I felt my heart beat quicken, and my palms get clammy. This was a new side of Storm that I had heard stories about but had never seen.

"I-I don't know. I want to sleep here tonight." I told him, sitting up on my bed.

"You're afraid of me?" He seemed amused as he walked closer to me.

I was always afraid of him. I had been since the day I met him, so I didn't know why he was asking me this. But at that moment, I was definitely more afraid of him than I had ever been.

"You're so fvck!ng pretty, do you know that?" He groaned, sitting down on the bed in front of me. He grabbed my face in his hands. "I can't control my er3ct!ons around you."

It was probably because of the alcohol I could smell on his tongue, or what he had done two hours ago, but I had always loved his dirty mouth but at that moment I found his words vile.

"Want to see how hard you make me?" His voice got lower.

"I'm tired, Storm. Please." I begged.

He ignored my request and pulled my face close to his. "Wrap your pretty, plump lips around my c0ck, Livvie."

"No. Stop." I tried to push him.

"No, Stop!" He mocked me, making his voice high pitched as if it matched mine. "You're so fvck!ng sexy but damn that mouth goes on and on and on. . ."

I looked away from him, pretending that his words weren't affecting me. They were.

"Come on, baby. Get down on your knees and suck me off." He begged, grabbing my wrists and applying pressure.

I pulled my wrists out of his grasp and got up from the bed. Inside, it felt as if I could cry and battling that storm in me was a challenge.

"You. . . Jealous German Nazi b!tch." I repeated Jon's words.

Storm laughed. He was laughing at me and I felt like I could detonate and cry at the same time.

"You're right." He chuckled. "I'm jealous over a girl I don't even want."

I ignored the pain in my chest. "Then get out!"

"Let me go fvck Victoria. She's always so willing." He said. "That would be the second woman tonight."

I looked down. I hated to hear about his indiscretions with other women. When I looked up, Storm was inspecting me.

"Does that hurt you?" Storm provoked. "Knowing that I grabbed that stripper that was on my lap at the club and went to have sex with her?"

It did hurt me.

Everybody was desirable but me. A stranger was more desirable than me.

No dance I performed in front of him could change that.

From what I knew, Storm had sex with anyone he wanted but he just didn't want me.

It wasn't even just about the sex. It was the fact that I wanted him to desire me. I wanted to be desirable.

He then laid down on my bed while chuckling and I ran.

I just slipped on a pair of shoes and did the one thing I knew how to do and I ran out of that house and never stopped.

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