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Disclaimer: this chapter contains sexual and explicit content. Read at your own expense.


I had been afraid of thunder and lightning ever since I was a little girl. It wasn't a fear that I could deal with or suppress, and it affected my mind in ways that was so deep, I could still feel it after a few days.

The first time I realized my abnormal fear was when I was three, and there was a big thunderstorm outside. I was still living with my grandparents at the time, and was in my own room. That night, I couldn't even get out of bed and stayed under the covers, crying and panicking at every single crash in the sky until it ended.

That fear carried with me years later, up until now. I had found ways to try to cope with it, but it was still there.

When we went back home, I got in the kitchen quickly to eat before going to bed. It was only nine, but I knew that I had to try to sleep through the storm.

I was in the kitchen, eating a bowl of Mac and cheese Jon made yesterday when Victoria came in there with another woman.

Victoria was the women I caught Storm having sex with last night. She was tall, curvy and slim, and had dashing long red hair and green eyes. She was obviously gorgeous, and tall and old enough for Storm.

They didn't even realize that I was there when they entered to get a glass of water. Nobody really noticed me in this house, which I liked. So I sat there and watched her. I watched every single freckle on her face and every smile she showed.

Before I could let my thoughts get the best of the small amount of self esteem I had, I finished eating quickly and headed off to bed. I got dressed in a matching set of white ruffle shorts and shirt, with cherries on them. The clothes were fresh out of the laundry, and I cuddled into my bed to sleep.


I woke up that night to the sound of thunder and the room illuminated from the lightning. From my sleep, I pulled the covers off of the bed and gasped for air.

When I opened my eyes, I realized that I was in a room with three other women who were awake. They looked at me like I was crazy, and then laughed.

I huffed and started making my way out.

"Are you good?" Emily laughed, but I ignored her and walked out.

At night was the worst.

No amount of forcing my eyes shut or putting a pillow over my head helped because of that fear I had of what was outside.

I knew that the only thing I needed to do was distract myself until the thunderstorm was over, so I walked around the dark house with my ears shut. That helped a little, but I still felt afraid of the storm outside. I found that distraction by counting the windows around the house, all of the doors I found and, everything that was blue. The numbers were all piled up in my brain, which helped me forget, but as soon as I had nothing else to do, I remembered.

I started to walk back to my room in defeat when I heard, "Olivia?"

Taking a look around me, I realized that I was at the top level of the house, and I hadn't even realized it. I turned around to see Storm.

He was in his office on his laptop, although his attention was now on me.

I slowly walked up to his office den, the wood scent rising up to my nose.

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