"No fish, either?"

Aini grinned. "Yes, there's fish and lots of other foods you might like, but the people around you are all humans. Things here are a lot different from Middle Earth. The path you saw outside is called a street, and the objects you saw moving are called vehicles. That's how people get around. They either drive a car, a truck, bike, or take a bus or train."

"What are we supposed to do in America?" asked Gollum.

"For you, you need to blend in with other people. Make friends. Your task here is to open up your heart. Learn to love."

"Oh, Sméagol can do that."

"Yes, but Gollum still needs to learn to do that... and I know he can." Aini smiled. "I've seen good in you, Gollum, a lot of good. You have the ability to love as well as Sméagol. You both have a big heart. Don't be afraid to open it."

"Will we ever find the Precious?" asked Gollum.

"You might, but that shouldn't be your main focus. You need to focus on starting your life over. Find something you're passionate about, make friends, and decide what you want to do with the rest of your life. But, if you do find the One Ring, you have to destroy it, not just for your sake, but for everyone in Middle Earth. As long as the ring's still around, Sauron still has power. If you destroy it, you defeat him, and peace will be restored. Everyone, including you, will be free again."

Sméagol suddenly felt very sad at the thought of destroying the ring.

Aini put her arm around him. "Look, I get it, Sméagol. I know you think there's no good left in the world, and the ring is the only thing worth fighting for. You spent years chasing after it, and you feel like that's your only purpose. Even just the thought of destroying it forever hurts you, but Sméagol, you will be so surprised and happy when you realize that there is still a lot of good in this world. There're so many good things much more amazing and special than the ring, things that will bring you true joy. Once you destroy the ring, you'll be set free."

Sméagol thought for a moment. "Does that mean Gollum goes away?"

Gollum groaned.

"Well, that brings me to the next point," said Aini. "If you destroy the ring, you can either go back to Middle Earth, and be a hobbit again. Or, if you like it here, you can stay, but you will not change back into a hobbit. That means Gollum will stay, which is why you two not only have to learn to love others, but love each other as well. I know you care about each other very much, but you don't know how to show it. You have very different personalities, different perspectives, and you don't see eye to eye on many things. You argue and fight each other all the time. But, you need to try to get along, because you need each other. You're like two brothers living in one body, but you are both very special, beautiful people with so much to offer to this world, so much the world needs more of."

Sméagol smiled.

"Like I said before, things in America are completely different from Middle Earth. There's a lot to learn, but I will help you. I'll teach you everything you need to know about living here. Then, I'll show you around, and introduce you to some people, help you make some friends."

Sméagol thought for a moment again.

"So... are you in?"

"Yes," Sméagol replied bravely.

"What about you, Gollum?"

Gollum took a deep breath. "Yes."

Aini smiled. "Good. Now, let's get started. We've got a lot to cover."

So, for the next few days, Aini taught Sméagol and Gollum everything they needed to know about living in the 21st century. She showed him how to take care of his personal hygiene, how to use modern technology—SmartPhones, computers, televisions, household appliances, and other electronic devices. She taught him how to dress, and helped him find clothes that were comfortable for him. She knew how much he loved raw fish, so she bought him sushi from a local seafood restaurant. He tried it, and instantly loved it. She wanted him to try new foods, but didn't want to rush him. He already had a lot of information thrown at him in such a short amount of time. She wanted him to have time to process everything. She taught him about money, how it worked, and how to spend it wisely. In the house they were living in, she decorated and set up a bedroom just for him. He was pleasantly surprised at how soft and comfortable his bed was. Yes, even though he had so much information thrown at him, he learned fast, and he seemed to enjoy it. Now, the big challenge was going out into the world, and meeting people. That terrified him, but it also excited him.

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