Chapter 16 // "Not for me."

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Chapter sixteen; "Not for me."

" ・・✿・・

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.


"Should I go for a long dress or short?"

My fingertips slid across the clothing hangers of the Prada store. Nate went to go pick up his tux at the dry cleaners and we stopped for bagels before going to the shopping strips.

Instead of taking a seat, Nate was looking through the racks with me.

"If you want to trip over your dress, I recommend a short one. Unless you can squeeze in time between your hair and makeup to have it tailored," he pulled out a strapless red dress, "which you don't."

"I'm impressed," Nate sounded like an expert. That or he just goes to a ton of parties, "and I don't like wearing red."

"I spend a lot of time listening to Blair complain about slow service."

It was now me sitting down on the couch watching Nate plow through the store. Luckily the whole population of upper Manhattan already had their dresses, the store and streets were empty.

"If I'm going to be standing there alone at the party, I might just sneak out."

"Oh, don't be a downer," Nate showed me a green dress which I shook my head at, there will be a huge chance that something bad will happen. Here."

He pulled out a short black dress. There wasn't anything special to it, which made me choose it. I didn't want to stand out too much.

"Not bad, Archibald," I got up and snatched the fabric from his hands, "you're a great handmaiden."

"Now you've got to find a mask."

"I was thinking those clown–"

"No," he laughed as we went to pay for the dress. The employee offered some heels and necklaces to match, so I bought those too.

"Do you guys happen to have any masquerade masks?" Nate asked the seller and he carried my shopping bags.

"We have one left–" He looked under the countertop and revealed a plain black mask, "it's very underwhelming, however–"

"I'll take it," I shrugged his comment off, "don't worry. I'm in a rush."

"I'll throw it in for free then," he set inside the bag and handed my receipt, "thank you."

Nate and I stepped back into the car; we had two hours left to get ready, so I told Jones to drop him off back at Chuck's.

"Thanks for helping me today. I would've just re-used one of Hayden's old dresses if it weren't for you," I already picture the mess of me running 40 minutes late, "I hope you have fun tonight."

"I couldn't just leave an outsider to fend for themself," Nate winked, "have fun too. If you need a suitor, I think I can hook you up with one of my friends."

New Girl ➼ (Nate Archibald) [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz