Chapter 15 // "Golden boy turns ice cold."

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Chapter fifteen; "Golden boy turns ice cold."

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Gossip Girl's blast about Nate and I yesterday instantly put me back in my place as the new girl. He acts completely care free about me that I seem to forget he's in a relationship.

"Date him," Hayden smiled before placing a strawberry in her mouth, "date Nate Archibald."

"Ugh," I finished the last of my cereal, "Nate has a girlfriend who he's probably going to marry."

"Um– yeah, the girlfriend he constantly neglects. Didn't you say he had sex with Serena?"

I sighed, "yes. Which is why I'm on high alert on him. I don't know what he wants."

Hayden was trying to convince me even more so, however I ignored her to go brush my teeth. I hopped into the car and got dropped off at Constance for half the day– I loved having a free last period.

As I walked through the hallways to my locker, Serena had just finished talking to Jenny Humphrey.

"Hey," She giggled and leaned against the next locker, "Guess what?"

"I feel like it's something about Dan?" I stuffed my notebook into my backpack, "did something good happen?"

"Dan officially asked me out on a date, but it's a surprise. He won't tell me what it is!" Serena squealed and clapped her hands, "I've never been on a date before. I mean I've been with guys, just not on dates."

"Aw," I pouted. Her happiness was overflowing– it's 8AM and Serena managed to make me smile, "that's really cute. I guess chivalry isn't dead."

"The thing is that I don't know what to wear," She sighed as we walked towards my class together, "I really hope it's some place cool though. Like-like uhh, a museum? Or a romantic bike ride? Going to the rooftop of a parking garage to watch the sunset?"

"Woah," I laughed, "you have great imagination."

"Dan's just–" She giggled at what she was thinking, "he's just different. The stuff he does and says, he's not like anyone else and I'm just excited."

"My advice? Just wear something causal, but not too lazy," we stopped in front of my english classroom, "text me about everything that happens."

"Thanks– oh and Eric is coming over for the weekend. He says he wants to hang out again. The three of us."

"Yeah, that sounds good," I smiled, "again– just text me."

She sped walked to her first period so she wouldn't be late.

Jones came by to drop off my lunch that Hayden made him take. When passing back through the gates, Blair and her friends were waiting for me.

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