Chapter 10 // "It's just a cake war."

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Chapter ten; "It's just a cake war."

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"Dan, how do you make frosting?"

"Shut up."

"Asshole. Serena, how do you make frosting?"

She giggled as she ignored my question and tried to block my way of seeing her making the frosting. During the hour that's passed, Dan was making his lemon cake, Serena made vanilla, and I stuck to making a plain chocolate cake with white frosting– if I knew how.

"Nate, how do you make frosting?"

"I'm just a judge in this cake war," his eyes wandered over to what Dan was doing, "can't say anything."

I groaned and grabbed another clean bowl, "you know what–"

Instead of actually making it, I was just going to use a can of whipped cream.

"Excuse me, ma'am? That's cheating. Everything must be homemade," Nate called me out as soon as I opened the fridge.

"Cheater!" Serena yelled and licked some frosting off her spoon, "that doesn't taste right.."

"I just want to make good frosting!" I exclaimed– the golden rules to the competition were to not look at your phone, consult with the judge, or look at each other's station.

I sighed and started to mix powdered sugar, milk, eggs, and some butter because I was looking at Dan's scraps.

The frosting was coming together and I smiled while adding vanilla extract for taste, hopefully I would win just to rub in Dan's face– I was rooting for Serena too, I just didn't want Dan to win.

Our cakes were baking in the oven, in the meantime after finishing the frosting, we all took a break from mixing and leaned against the counter island of the kitchen.

"So Riley's been doing really well from my analysis," Nate looked down at the yellow notepad. I didn't even see him writing anything or see him grab that notepad.

"You're being biased," Serena groaned, "she's been slacking this whole time!"

"Hey–" I pointed my finger at her, "I just take a little breaks in-between tasks, nothing against the rules."

"Consulting with the judge is against the rule and you've been doing that," Dan said.

"I'm–" I faked a scoff, "–I'm being attacked right now and it's not fun."

My phone timer went off signaling that our cakes were done baking and the three of us took them out of the pan. We sat them on top of foil for cooling.

"I'm sorry," Dan said while fanning his lemon cake, "so no one knows that Kai murdered those people? How'd you cover up the story? And where do other people think he's at?"

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