Hesitantly, Freya and Gustav wandered over. Ignoring Snotlout's glares, I tried some small talk. After a moment, the topic shifted.

"But the real question, Freya," I prompted, trying to be casual, "is what do you want to do?"

Immediately, Freya was uncomfortable. I forced back a wince from the guilt as she tried to speak. "I'm not- I don't, I mean I er... I don't know. Not really."

Tuffnut cut in, "Why don't you go back to the Dragon Hunters?"

I scowled as Fishlegs hit his head.

"Ow! What was that for? I'm just saying as she is the next in line to the throne, and actually has family there-"

"Only my mother. She barely spoke to me before but now... now she wouldn't want me," she murmured. "I- I befriended a dragon. I worked with the Dragon Riders, their sworn enemies." She gulped. "I attacked Ryker and released dragons. I- I- I'm a traitor."

There was an awkward silence.

I cleared my throat. "Well, you and Swiftstrike were attacked first. You are welcome to stay here." I did my best to be reassuring, but my words fell on deaf ears.

Gustav jumped up. "Hey, hey Freya listen to me. It's gonna be ok, let's just take a moment."

Freya was breathing faster and faster, eyes glassy. Gustav put a hand on her back.

"Try find five things you can see -"

Heaving, Freya started walking towards the door. Behind me, Snotlout and Fishlegs were arguing as Gustav tried to calm Freya.

But she didn't stop.

Quickening her pace, she rushed out the doors. With a loud bang, they slammed shut behind her. The few people in the hall, waiting for the celebration, had wide eyes as they stared at us.

"Okay, what was that?" Snotlout asked, standing.

Fishlegs glared at him. "Try to be empathetic for once in your life!"

Astrid gave Gustav a quizzical glance. "Aren't you going to go after her?"

Startled from his thoughts, Gustav nodded. "Uh. Yeah, yeah that makes sense. Well, er, see ya." With that, he hurried out of the doors.

That was... not smooth. Coughing, I tried to change the conversation.

"So... Snotlout, what were you saying earlier?"

"Well, Hiccup, Hooky and I are masters of the Through the Rings of Fire! Actually, the twins were going to help me set it up," Snotlout declared, puffing out his chest.

Tuffnut blinked. "We were?"

"Yeah! Remember?" Ruffnut jabbed her brother in the side with her elbow.

"This isn't going to end well," Astrid stated, raising an eyebrow.

"Shut up, Astrid."


Gustav's POV

Pushing the doors open, I looked around. Swiftstrike was running in a tight circle, roaring at anyone who came too close. My eyes widened and I headed towards her, calling out as I went.

"Hey, easy girl," I soothed, resisting the urge to step back as her acidic eyes bore into mine. "You're worried for Freya, right? Do you know where she went?"

Swiftstrike stared blankly at me. Snorting, she twisted her tail in short flicks.

"Where's Freya?" I tried again. This time, Swiftstrike seemed to understand as she perked up slightly, using her tail to point towards the woods.

The Girl with the Changewing Cloak (RTTE Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now