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Freya's POV

Pressing my arms against an unusually hard floor, I opened my eyes. The light was blinding, the early morning rays flooding my vision. Slowy, I made out some shapes - wooden bars, metal locks, wait what?

I jumped up. I was in a cell, surrounded by angry looking dragon riders and a giant of a man.

"Where's Swiftstrike?" I asked, challenging everyone in the room with my tone and glare. The vast man with a fiery beard scowled, unappreciative of my lack of respect. He stepped forwards, placing his hands on the bars. I resisted the urge to flinch backwards.

"You need to know yer place lass, or yer gonna find yourself in a worse situation." His voice was thick with a Scottish accent. I kept my face blank, not rising up to the bait. Annoying my captors would get me nowhere. Satisfied with my lack of a witty comback, the large viking relaxed slightly.

"We have some questions for ya." He stood up straighter, cracking his knuckles. Resisting an 'obviously' glance, I looked up at him. "If you work with us, we'll let you go free. Otherwise-" there was a low growl from a dragon I hadn't noticed enter. It had a large humped back, covered with shining green and red scales. A large curved horn stood tall on its snout. It was magnificent, the rumblehorn.

It growled, the deep sound filling the prison.

I sighed, going for nonchalance. I didn't need more enemies right now. "What do you want to know?"

There was a pause. They seemed taken aback by my simple response.

"What?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't think you'd cooperate," Astrid answered. "After all-"

"Just ask the questions so I can get out of here." Some shot each other uncertain looks.

"All right, lass. First of all, why did you attack the Edge?"

I flinched, but I knew there was no way around it. "I'm Viggo's sister. Of course I'd go looking for-" vengeance- "those responsible. For answers. But at the base, it was clear who was truly to blame."

The large Viking hummed thoughtfully, while another added, "Where did you get your cloak?"

My cloak? My cloak!

I grabbed at my bare arms, panic rising as I felt for it. No no no no no! That was the last thing I had left of my grandad! I jumped up, desperately searching around the cell. My fear turned swiftly to anger asa I glared at the tall man.

"Where did you put it?" I snarled. He recoiled at my tone, his face hardening.

"Easy lass. While prisoner, you can't have it."

Time seemed to slow as I stared at the man. My icy glare would've frozen a night fury's plasma blast. Everyone in the room was tense, uncertain, thinking I was about to lash out. Knowing I needed to calm down, I sighed. Luckily, the man took the hint and continued his questions.

"Why did you go to the base?"

"To get details and to see," my voice hitched but no one acknowledged it, "if he was truly... truly gone." All too quickly, I didn't feel like answering anymore questions.

"What did you find?"

I blinked. This had nothing in common with the questions so far. But it made sense they'd want information, as the Dragon Hunters weren't as defeated as they seemed.

"Guards are all over the base. Ryker, as mad and power hungry as ever. My brother's corpse." My voice was cold. I really didn't want to talk about it. "Any more personal questions?"

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