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I couldn't believe it.

Ryker was attacking his sister furiously, not even holding back.

Toothless nudging my arm snapped me out of it. I jumped up, sliding on his back as he instantly started running. I scooped up Inferno and called to Astrid. She turned, flipping over a spineshot, and got on Toothless behind me. We took off.

We lunged to the right, feeling the heat of Stormfly's blast, just missing.

"We can't leave her!" Astrid yelled, leaning down to dodge spines.

"We won't!" I declared. Barrel-rolling, we turned around and shot to stun. Already weakened, Stormfly fell, mainly due to the dragon root. Hopefully Freya could hold off Ryker long enough for it to wear off.

"We have to find the others," I explained. To my surprise, Astrid jumped off, landing beside Stormfly.

"Go! I'll protect her," she gestured and I glanced at Ryker who was screaming after a fast-vanishing Freya. Reluctant, I nodded, knowing argueing was pointless.

Toothless leapt into the air, beating his wings furiously as he echolocated for the others. I lay flat and pressed myself against him. Together we timed the tails, efficiently storming through the passages.

Guards aimed at us.

"Show 'em what you got, bud!"

Instantly Toothless fired, stunning the guards. The bows fell down with a clank. At our pace, it didn't take very long to find the others. I directed them towards Astrid and Stormfly, hurrying back to help.

When we arrived, Ryker was gone. My eyebrows furrowed as I scanned for any traces of him. There were few signs of the battle at all, except a couple of arrows and the bolas remains - which Freya had freed us from.

Why did she save us? Or the hunters? I didn't have time to consider this now.

More importantly, Astrid and Stormfly were also missing. Panicked, I jumped off, running slightly further to find them. The chamber turned to a passage and I dashed through.

"Grrrrr!" Toothless grabbed my metal leg and swung me onto his back. Sliding into position, I adjusted the stirrup and instantly we took off, searching much faster. The other riders flew beside me, each with determined looks on their faces. We needed to find them.

"Quit strugglin' girly," someone snarled nearby. "The boss wanted you alive. I can't promise that at this rate," they spat. Narrowing my eyes, I charged forwards.

Two guards were holding Astrid with handcuffs, with four more surrounding the group. Behind them, Stormfly was struggling was dragged forwards, the effects of the dragon root arrow having worn off.

The guards gasped as they saw me, only to be instantly blasted off their feet.

Jumping, Astrid twisted her arms so they were in front of her, and punched the nearest guard hard. The other grabbed her shoulder, but she kicked him. The riders freed Stormfly as she squarked, grabbing her rider and joining us.

"All right, gang, let's get out of here and catch our changewing rider!" I yelled, steering Toothless out. There were whoops behind me as we blasted our way out, undoubtably slowing down any projects Ryker had planned. Grinning, we burst into the open air.

Using the same tracking technique, Stormfly led us over the sea. The stars seemed duller and everything was confusing.

Why did Freya come to the Edge? Why did she leave, just like that? What's she going to do now? Why does she want the Dragon Eye?

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