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Jimin woke up the next morning, not wanting to get out of bed. Jimin was not a morning person and hated being woken up from his slumber.

Jimin then got out of bed and got ready for another day of college. Jimin was very popular at the school, and he hated it. He hated the attention he got and felt as if he being watched or followed 24/7. It made him dread going to school every day, but his best friends and younger sister always made him feel better.

When Jimin realized he was running behind his schedule, he rushed out of his dorm and went to his first class of the morning. Jimin always hated his morning classes, because he'd always got sleepy during those classes, and never paid attention.The class ended, and Jimin was determined to find his sister before he had to go to his lecture. He ran around the hall until he came to find his sister sitting on a bench on her phone.

"Hey Soo-young!", Jimin shouted to get his sister's attention.

"Hi, jimin", the young girl said, looking up from her phone.

"So I wanted to ask a question?"

Soo-young nodded as a response to her older brother's statement. She loved to help her brother in any way she can. Because she feels that's the only way to repay him for always helping her with her problems.

"Ok, so do you know by any chance that dance instructor's name from yesterday?", Jimin asked, he was fairly excited to see if his sister finally had an answer to his question.

"Oh, you mean Seulgi?"

"Yes her!", Jimin said excitedly.

"Oh, she's my friend. Why? Is there something going in between you two?"

"No, nothing, I just wanted to get dance lessons from her"

Soo-young was suspicious about her brother's question and didn't believe a word he said. She always knew when her brother was lying and hated when he did.

"Why do you need dance lessons? You're already an incredible dancer", Soo-young pleaded. "Oh because I'm trying...to...join the school's dance team!", Jimin said quickly.

"Mhm whatever, I'mma hold you to that. Anyway, I'mma go to class", the young girl said; still not believing the words her brother spoke.

The school day was finally over, and Jimin went to the dance studio where he picked up his sister the other day. He looked inside the room to find the dance instructor, Seulgi, practicing. He knocked on the door to get her attention. The girl stopped the music and took a breath before speaking.

"Hello, what brings you here?", Seulgi said, as she bowed even though she was out of breath.

"Umm...hi, I'm Jimin, and I was wondering if you do personal lessons?", Jimin said while bowing back he felt as if he had never talked to a girl before.

"Yes I do"

"Great!", Jimin internally did a backflip out of happiness."But I can't right now, I have a class in five minutes, sorry. But you can have a lesson after the class" Jimin felt kinda sad that his plan had to be postponed. Jimin agreed and he sat down and saw people slowly come into the room. After a while Jimin got bored, so he decided to join the class.People watched in awe as he quickly got the steps so fast, and how he moved so precisely. Once Seulgi noticed how good he danced she wondered why he needed dance lessons. The class ended and Seulgi and Jimin both got ready for their personal lesson.

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