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Seulgi woke up with a group of people surrounding her. She was confused about what had happened, and why her head ached so much. She then remembered and turned out to be fine. But would have a bruise on her forehead.

When she told everyone she was fine they all dispersed and went on to their everyday lives. She was quite embarrassed, and it wasn't even her first day. She was just registering in.

After dusting herself off, she heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Seulgi, are you ok?"

She turned around to see Jimin once again.

"Oh h-hey Jimin, yeah I'm ok", she said nervously while waving.

She mentally facepalmed herself for acting that way in front of him. She just didn't know why she was so nervous; it made her wonder.

"So, what are you doing here?", Jimin asked.

"Well I just registered here, and I'll be starting here tomorrow", Seulgi responded with a smile.

Jimin internally did a backflip, he was happy that he would be spending more time with Seulgi. A smile crept on his face, and before he knew it he became blind.

Seulgi started blushing at how he smiled. It made her heart beat fast, and she didn't like that feeling.

"Well umm...I'mma go, I have classes I need to attend".

"Oh yeah, well I'll see you tomorrow Jimin", Seulgi said as she watched Jimin walk away.

Seulgi went to the Dance Studio and just started dancing to random songs. After that, she went to her parent's house. She'd always go there when she needed someone to talk to.

When she got there she immediately went upstairs to her mother's room. "Mom, are you awake", Seulgi whispered, trying not to startle her mother.

"Oh yes dear come on in"

The young girl embraced her mother, feeling the warmth from her body. She smiled, happy to be around her mom.

But soon that smile disappeared, seeing that state her mother was in. Seulgi's mother had cancer and every day would lay in bed slowly getting sicker. Seulgi knew that her mother didn't have long. But it didn't affect the way she felt about the person she loves the most in the world.

Seulgi loved to gossip with her mom and talk about everything with her. She felt as if she and her Mom became closer with each conversation.

"So then since I wasn't paying attention I walked into a pole and got knocked out", Seulgi chuckled alongside her mother.

"Well sweetie are you ok, I know that must've hurt"

"Yeah, I'm fine mom. So have you spoken to dad?", the young girl asked; putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

"No, I haven't seen nor spoken to him since he last left 3 days ago drunk"

"Oh ok", she responded

After seulgi's mother was diagnosed with cancer, it had hit her father very hard. To forget the thought of losing his wife, he began drinking. He would be so drunk that he'd disappear for days or weeks before coming back.

"Well do you know if he's ok mom?"

"Yes, I have your brother making sure he's safe. So don't worry about him, he's fine; just a little lost", her mother answered.

Seulgi said goodbye to her mother and went home. The bus ride home was quiet and peaceful, she always felt relaxed no matter how loud the bus was.

Once entering her apartment, Seulgi felt like she needed to vent her feelings too; so she called her best friend, Soo-young.

"Well I can't wait for you to come tomorrow. It'll just be like high school!" Joy enthusiastically squealed.

"Yeah, it'll just be like high school. But you know I'm just nervous" Seulgi chuckled. "Well don't be, you'll have me. And all your Best friends with you" joy reassured, making her best friend feel better. "Ok, well I'mma gonna go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow, bye" Seulgi said, "bye" hot said and hung up the phone.

Seulgi went to bed excited for her first day of school.

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