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Jimin was crying until a figure stood over him, he looked up and saw it was namjoon. Namjoon crouched down and handed Jimin a piece of paper and then proceeded to walk away; jimin was confused. He opened the note and read what it had to say. Once he had read it, he immediately wiped his tears away and stood up fast, and started running.

He raced through the halls, passing through people and trying to make it to his desired destination. He ran to the empty courtyard and stopped with a huff. He looked around and saw Jeongyeon and immediately went up to her. "You fucking bitch!" Jimin yelled, getting the girl's attention "Oh hello jimin, what brings you here?" Jeongyeon asked, acting innocent.

"You know exactly why I'm here. Why did you take that picture of us? Is this part of some messed-up plan of yours?" Jimin asked angrily. He felt his blood boil at the sight of the woman in front of him. "I have no idea what you're talking about Jimin Oppa" she giggled menacingly. "I know you did it. I know you caused this, ''Jimin said loudly, his voice booming through the empty courtyard. Jeongyeon then got in his face and slowly started taking a slow step, causing jimin to step back, "and what if I did. What are you gonna do about it huh? You gonna hit me?" She chuckled darkly.

"No he won't, but I'll expose you to the whole school," Soo-young said, coming into the courtyard with Seulgi and Namjoon behind her. Jeongyeon scoffed, "and with proof. You have nothing to connect me to any of this"

Soo-young laughed, and just took out her phone and played a video of Sana taking the pictures and her and Jeongyeon talking with each other when Jimin left. "Where...where did you get that?" Jeongyeon asked, a little stunned, "oh I had namjoon get it for me since the auditorium has cameras in there" Soo-young chuckled. Seulgi walked up to Jeongyeon and looked her in the eye, "how could you do this to me? I thought you were my friend?" She said sadly, hurt by what Jeongyeon had done.

"Did I ever say we were friends?"Jeongyeon said coldly. Seulgi was taken aback, she was hurt by Jeongyeon's words, but stood her ground, "well I thought we were friends, and I considered us close. But you go and try to ruin my relationship for what? I wanna know why?" Seulgi asked, her eyes tearing up. "Because you don't deserve him. You don't deserve Jimin, you don't love him like I love him" Jeongyeon said bluntly, her cold expression made everything worse and Seulgi couldn't hold back her tears and went and hugged soo young.

"Who said you deserved me? The only person who deserves me is Seulgi, she treats me way better than you ever could and loves me more than you'll ever will" jimin said passionately, he looked serious and was at his breaking point with Jeongyeon, everyone was kinda scared as to see jimin angry was a rare sight. "Jimin...I-" Jeongyeon tried to say something but was cut off by jimin.

"You have hurt me and my girlfriend. And hell you might have even caused her to hurt her ankle. I don't know what you thought you'd get out of doing all this shit. But it isn't in your favor" he said coldly, sending shivers down everyone's spine. Jeongyeon started crying, and fell to her knees, "I'm sorry...I'm sorry, I just still love you and was jealous, and as much as I love you I hate you and hated seeing you happy" she broke down and everyone watched her in disbelief.

"I'm sorry for what I've done, please forgive me" Jeongyeon pleaded. No one knew what to do or say, they didn't know if they should forgive her or still be angry.

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