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Seulgi didn't attend school for the rest of the week, and Jimin was pretty disappointed. It was the weekend and Jimin was hanging out with his friends at the arcade.

Jimin was going against Namjoon in a racing game and Jimin lost. When the group of boys were going to order some food and drinks, they heard laughter from a group of girls. Jimin looked and instantly groaned frustrated.

He saw his ex Jeongyeon and her group of friends. It didn't take long for one of the girls to notice the guys. "HI BOYS!", Dahyun exclaimed as she spotted the boys. The group of girls quickly noticed and ran over to them. The two groups start chatting and Jeongyeon and Jimin are sending death stares.

After a while, the girls leave and the boys are alone again. When they finish their food they go home, And Jimin quickly goes into his dorm and jumps on his bed. He quickly looked up when his phone buzzed. It was an email from his sister, and it said.

"You are invited to the yearly masquerade ball, held at the park mansion. Please dress nicely and make sure to enjoy your time. I hope you attend

Love, Park SooYoung"

Jimin just put his phone back on the charger and fell asleep. The next morning he heard a knock on the door, which woke him up, he heard Taehyung open the door and he then heard the voice of a girl. Jimin got up and out of the room and saw his sister and Seulgi.

Jimin panicked and ran back into the bathroom and brushed his teeth, and washed the sleep off his face. He quickly came out and noticed the stares of everyone in the room. "Morning jimin. I made you guys some breakfast, so come and sit down", Soo-young demanded, Jimin sat next to Seulgi and immediately noticed the awkward tension, so he tried to start a conversation.

"Hey Seulgi, how's it going"

"It's going Jimin", she replied very nervously.

Noticing the awkward tension in the room, Taehyung spoke up. "So, Soo-young, when is the Masquerade ball", he asked as he wrapped his arms around her waist, "Well it's going to be in 3 weeks, and I hope that you'll be there", She replied as she continued cooking.

"Of course we'll be, right Jimin?"


Soo-young finished cooking and they all sat down and ate. Soon after the girls left and so did taehyung. So Jimin was all alone, he was so bored and didn't know what to do; All he could really think about was Seulgi, so to get his mind off her he decided to call up Jungkook.

"Hey jimin, what's up?"

"Hey I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" Jimin asked, "Oh how bout we go ice skating?" Jungkook suggested, thinking it was a good idea. "Yeah see you there"

Jimin ended the call and got ready for his little hangout with jungkook. Once he arrived they both greeted each other and started some small talk, "so, how have you heard from Seulgi noona?" Jungkook asked as he put on his skates, "Um yeah, she came by my door with soo young", Jimin replied as he looked off into the distance

"So are you taking anyone to the party your sister is throwing?"

"I don't know yet. Probably not" jimin shrugged.

"Ok" jungkook nodded

They both stayed quiet until they hit the ice, and Jimin forgot all about his little crush only for a short period of time. He wanted to ask Seulgi to the ball but was kinda scared so he just avoided all thoughts of asking her. Jungkook and Jimin finished and went to a nice shop when suddenly a familiar face came up to him and his face turned into disgust.

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