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Once again, because it's fucking Marcus, there is a *TRIGGER WARNING* in effect. Not as violent as last time, but rape is rape kids. If you need to skip, PLEASE do and I'll recap at the end. In the very least, at least Liam gets a tiny bit of hope this week. Happy #LeaveMeFriday. Enjoy, xo 


Liam's wrists were sore and red. He kept rubbing them, trying to get rid of the stinging from being left tied up overnight with no aftercare. He was sat on the floor by Marcus's feet while the Master was sat as his desk and jabbering on the phone. Marcus hung up and leaned back in his chair to look down at Liam.

"Stop fussing. You're fine."

The slave slid his hands under his thighs to stop fidgeting and pointedly didn't look up at Marcus. "Can we talk about our deal now?" His head was wrenched back so fast it made him gasp. Marcus leaned down and pushed his face into Liam's space.

"Do I need to teach you how to talk to your Master?" he gritted.

Liam shook his head just a little, but it was still enough to yank at his short hair and make him wince. "No, sir." He set his jaw, forcing back all of the things he wanted to say. "May we please talk about our deal, sir?"

Marcus hummed but instead of letting go of Liam's hair, he used the grip to shove his face down into the rug. "Stay." Liam did, and the Master let him go. "I will make a few calls, but don't misunderstand, slave, you are mine until the deal is completed."

"Of course...sir." Liam slid his hands between the rug and his face, blocking out the light, blocking out the sound of Marcus' voice on the phone, blocking out everything besides the fact that he was one step closer to his goal.

He was down on his knees long enough that the rug fibers left harsh imprints on his skin when Marcus yanked him to sit up. "If I'm working on this for you, shouldn't you be working on something for me?"

It was a rhetorical question, but Liam nodded anyway. He had no idea what Marcus meant; it didn't matter if he kept talking to important people and getting his way. Marcus slid his chair back just enough to pull Liam between his legs. What would happen next washed over Liam, but he was almost numb to it by now. He'd already agreed to do what it took to give Zayn the life he deserved.

Marcus undid his smooth slacks and palmed himself through his underwear. "Under the desk," he ordered, and Liam scooted back enough that he had to curl his back uncomfortably to fit underneath the thick wood. The Master moved his chair forward and then his half-hard bulge was pressing against Liam's nose. "I have a meeting in a minute. You don't make a sound, and you don't stop until I pull you off."

Liam couldn't speak his agreement so he slid his cheek against the curve of Marcus's flaccid bulge, closing his eyes to block out the sight of it at least and nodding. Marcus hummed, pleased with the friction as much as the obedience. He knew it would be up to him to get things started, and if he didn't, he didn't want to know what Marcus would do. Marcus couldn't have been bothered to undo his slacks fully, so Liam pulled on the zipper, then tucked his fingers under the waistband of his underwear and tugged them down enough to sit under his balls. 

That was when the door opened. Liam stiffened, staying as still as possible. No one could know that he was here, with Marcus, cheating on his paired Master. It was so like Marcus to want to expose Liam for the lying, cheating slave he was, despite their agreement. He left it up to Liam to keep quiet, not to let the person on the other side of the desk know he was there, but if he didn't follow Marcus's orders, he wouldn't get what he wanted.

Marcus reached under the desk casually and pushed Liam's face towards his dick while he reached his other hand out and shook the hand of the person that just entered. Liam licked his lips to smooth the way and took Marcus in his hand. Ants crawled along his skin where he connected with the Master's skin. The physical repulsion was palpable and hard to ignore; he had to though. He opened his mouth and let Marcus slide onto his tongue before closing his lips around him. The Master didn't hum, didn't seem to notice that Liam was blowing him at all as he asked the other person to sit across from him.

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