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Happy #LeaveMeFriday. Here starts some of the TRIGGER WARNINGS! Please don't read this if you aren't in a good place. Take care of you.

I'll put a small summary of the chapter at the end so you won't miss anything. Enjoy xo


Liam hadn't been sure what to expect when he and Marcus got back in the car and drove away from the park. Liam gave the greenspace one last glance, hoping for some reason that Zayn would be chasing after them. He wasn't dumb enough to think that Zayn hadn't followed and that he hadn't gone to the same places Liam did. He was actually surprised Zayn hadn't caught up with them yet. Maybe Marcus was smarter than he thought.

"Where are we going?" Liam asked as he faced forward again.

A quick, sharp slack cracked through the stillness of the car, making Liam groan and cup his cheek. "You don't ask questions," Marcus informed him. Liam closed his eyes to keep back the way they watered and tightened his throat against the whimper wanting to bubble out.

"Yes, sir," was all he could muster.

The car glided down once familiar streets, but now they all seemed confusing and he was lost in minutes as the sun glared off the windshield. Marcus drove them away from the uptown office buildings and sleek townhouses to downtown's art district. Zayn had always kept him from this part of town; he'd said it wasn't safe, that couples only came down here to do something they couldn't get away with elsewhere. The realization made Liam's stomach churn.

Marcus pulled up to the limited parking in front of an innocuous building. It was red brick that had turned brown with age, a few pieces crumbling under the weight of itself, with a bright blue awning covering a tinted glass front door. No sign, no street address. "Let's go," Marcus ordered, as if he shouldn't have to, like Liam should want to go in there with him.

Liam warily got out of the car and followed his new...Master into the brick shop. The moment they stepped inside the overwhelming scent of sex assaulted the slave, making him reach a hand up to cover his face. The entryway was small and separated from the rest of the place by a thick curtain; it was occupied only by a single attendee in a little black dress and sharp stilettos. It took Liam a double-take to realize it was a thin fawn of a man- no, a boy- that took Marcus' jacket and hung it in the small closet behind him.

Marcus placed an unrelenting hand on the back of Liam's neck, squeezed, and physically led him through the small room and past the curtain while the attendee sent him a pitying glance. On the other side of the curtain was what Liam could only describe as a sex prison. The room was a long rectangle and along both of the long walls were rows of cages, most of them filled with what was obviously someone's slaves. The middle of the room was scattered with sofas and chairs. Tables sat between each section of seating, and on the tables were things Liam knew were meant for him and the others like him in there.

Marcus hadn't let go of his neck yet and was leading him to the middle of the room. He only let go once the area of seating they headed for had parted to let them through and he left Liam standing in the middle of couches that centered around him. Marcus sat gracefully down on one of the couches, arm extended across the length of the back and one ankle over a knee; he was completely in control and he knew it. People gathered around again, getting comfortable on the other couches around him and standing in open spaces to watch.

"Strip down to your underwear," Marcus ordered, earning a soft grumble of disappointment from the crowd. He chuckled. "Patience, people. We're just getting started." Liam leveled him with what was left of his defiance, to which Marcus only tilted his head in expectation. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way, baby."

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