"Does it look good?" Noma is lost for words, her eyes blinking rapidly whilst her fingers race through her hair. She scoffs in shock.

"Good? No. Lethally beautiful? Yes," She murmurs cautiously stepping into the room. "You're making me want to drop to my knees, holy cow." Noma pinches her own cheek yelping softly and then she shakes her head causing her hair to whip and smack gently across her face.

"So, welcome Ama'Rose to your first Dom lessons. In my program, I will be teaching you how to handle equipment properly, how to care for a sub, how to maintain your dom and sub relationships, and basic history. For today we won't be doing anything too exciting, sorry shug. The first days are usually the most boring, anyway I'll just polish your basic knowledge on dom, switch, and sub history. While we do this, I'll have Ezra at your feet, you'll have to put him into subspace as required for today's lesson. And I'll also have you holding and interacting with different objects, toys, and equipment so you're able to get a good understanding of the mechanics while getting a good feel of the item." Noma calls up the stairs for Ezra and the door creaks open incredibly fast, soft feet padding down the cobblestone of the stairs.

"At the end, I'll guide through the basic aftercare of a dropped sub and what to expect, and how to properly handle the situation. And, to help the bond grow how about we make a small list of things the boy can do for you while he's under. Small things like, massage my calves, go find me a flogger, or assume this position." Ezra bounds in the room, collar thick and clasped tight around his neck, legs twitching every now and then. When we lock eyes, he moans. Loud and obscene, Noma chuckles to her self-guiding us to sit at the sofa. Taking the seat as elegant as possible, I cross my leg causing the latex to squeak and rub together. Ezra babbles something incoherent and gladly drops to his knees, shuffling until he's by my calves. He settles on his legs, collar jingling and resting on the bare skin of his neck. I loop my finger through the hoop and tug the boy's head down.

"Put him under," Noma nods. I gulp feeling Ezra stiffen next to me. His breath starts speeding up, until he's panting softly under his breath. His doe eyes are wide and anticipating. "Dom S auras are pretty strong, so we don't really need to do scenes to assist in dropping a sub. Just submerge him in your presence."

"Please—" He runs his fingers along my calves.

"Ezra hush remember what we talked about?" Noma says. Ezra snatches his hand away and he pouts, clasping his fingers behind his back and spreading his thighs apart.

"This is one of the universal positions, some people like to create their own for their subs, but in mandatory schooling, this is the one everyone is taught. Hands clasped behind back, thighs apart, and eyes cast down. Tuck your feet in Ezra." He wiggles his toes before tilting them into a triangular shape." Noma takes up the seat on the small circular chair, her hands folded against her lap.

"Go on now, put him under." She nods towards Ezra.

"Ok...here I go." I look for the subtle feeling of my aura and the others wait patiently. Or at least Noma does, Ezra shifts in his seat clearly excited and restless. After a good fifteen minutes and a lot of clenching of my abdomen, I finally have a semi-solid ball of the warmth building in my stomach. I grab at it with giddiness letting it spill from my body, filling the space of the room quick. Ezra's pupils dilate causing the pretty hazel color of his iris to shrink into a thin ring of color. His familiar flush comes back, and the boy goes quiet, closing his eyes and basking in the fullness of my aura.

"T-that's good, try and invoke his to come up too." Noma mumbles. I uncross my legs leaning into Ezra's space. Pushing my aura onto him causes him to respond, flicking his presence back against mine until it feels as if their blending. I reach up to his face brushing the gathered liquid from his eyes and pushing it away. He doesn't move not fazed.

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