The Chaos In Everywhere

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Shortly after the attack, the carriage that was transporting Livana arrived back to the Palace in hell. Shocks can be seen on every maid's face when they saw that the carriage was wrecked. Under the command of the head maid, the maids quickly went through the wreckage but in no avail, only the heavily injured wolf was found lying down and nothing else. Having no time to panic at all, the maids quickly lifted the wolf and brought it in the castle for immediate treatment. Just by the blink of an eye, news of the queen's disappearance were spread all around the castle. In a few seconds meeting were held among the highest command of generals about the missing of the queen. Many concerns and opinion was given in the meeting, as many others demons that were trying to overtake the kingdom are planning things as the queen nor the king is there to protect the kingdom, Until one of the top maid came in with a letter in hand in which the content shocked everyone in the room. 

Meanwhile in the Phantomhive Manor

As just like any usual day, the manor was a mess, Mey-rin breaking plates, Bard burning the kitchen, Finnian destroying the garden. All of it looks so normal and it makes one wonder that was there anyone who still remember of a strange girl entering the master study room in a carriage. Even until now, Sebastian did not suspect anything about the girl. Just as he was about to serve the master's tea, he was hit by a sharp pain in the chest especially the heart area causing him to drop the tray of tea. Just this action, everyone was shock as he DOES NOT make careless mistakes like this.

Sebastian's POV 

Clutching to my heart, I stood up slowly and faced the workers with my usual smile. After i apologized to the young master for my behavior, i went back to the kitchen to make another batch of tea. Unknown to others was, my mind is extremely confused, as devil would not experience pain like this like a human . After sending the tea , i was strolling around the garden thinking what could have triggered the pain, and that was when i remembered....... MY WIFE !!!! According to devil's marriage, both parties would be able to feel each other even when they are away from each other. The pain could be only triggered when a parties dies or the connection is cut off completely. 

Just then i was reminded to the strange girl yesterday......WHY HAVE I NOT THOUGHT ABOUT IT ?!! A random human could not just waltz into the manor with a carriage without me sensing, now everything make sense now.... With an extremely worried and urgent heart, i left the surface of earth back to hell to see what was happening, but MOST IMPORTANTLY what had happened to MY WIFE!!!

Once arriving back to hell, I could already sense the atmosphere was different. As quickly as i could I went back to the castle. Upon arriving, I was shock to find instead of a peace situation, everyone was running around the castle, worried plastered on everyone's face. As panic as I am , i quickly made my way to the conference room just to find all my top general and the top maid for my wife there, but my wife was nowhere in sight.  Seeing my arrival, all of them hurriedly bowed down to me, but i have no time for that.... I ordered my top general to report on what had happened .

After the report, i was beyond furious. In the blink of an eye, i had the general's throat in my hand, looking him dead in the eyes, and i asked him : " Why was i not reported on the situation until i had to come back myself?" With dear evident in the general's eyes, he shakily answered:" My.... lord... we ... we did not dare report it to you because ...because of her majesty's order in her letter."  

Eyeing the piece of parchment on his hand, I snatched it over and threw him on the floor without caring about his condition i read the letter , to find that it was written and signed by my wife herself. 

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