The Ending

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In the morning, when Liv woke up, she woke up to an empty bed with a written letter left on the night stand. 

Morning Love, 

I have gone out to settle some issues, will be back by night. 

Love Sebastian.

Holding the letter to herself, she didn't notice a huge white fluffy object that tackle her onto the bed licking her cheeks. Giggling at the feeling, she recognized it was her pet wolf. "Calm down! Calm down!" she said trying to get the wolf to stop licking. 

The licking soon stops but it didn't stop the wolf from cuddling with her. Looking at the wolf, Liv can't help but remember about the grey cub that she bought with Claude. As much as she loathed Claude, the cub was innocent. 

Meanwhile on a abandoned land, there stood Sebastian and Claude...

"Tell me Sebastian, how is she?" asked Claude. Although the question sounds polite, his eyes told otherwise. "Its ok, no need to answer, I will get my answer once I kill you" he said with a crazy look in his eyes. 

Seeing how crazy Claude was becoming, Sebastian said calmly "I guess you will have to go through me first" and they launched at each other...

When nightfall, Liv was seen sitting at the main entrance with her wolf. The wolf snuggled up against Liv trying to keep her warm as she was only in her nightgown. Hours and hours of waiting, Liv and the wolf had started to doze off despite the maids asking her to go back into the castle. 

That was the scene that welcome Sebastian when he was back after changing of clothes which are stainted with the blood of both him and Claude. Liv snuggling with the wolf, both of them dozing off. He chuckled to himself as he went closer to carry her up waking her up in the process. 

"You're back!" said Liv as she snuggle nearer to Sebastian's neck. 

"Yeah, been out to sort some issues so that nobody would disturb us and our child in the future." Sebastian said planting a kiss on her lips slowly deepening it. 

Once Liv pulled away due to the lack of oxygen, she can't help but blush furiously and hid her face deeper into Sebastian's neck. Seeing this, Sebastian can't help but chuckled at how cute she was and whisper to her "Shy just from a kiss? What about later in the room?' Hearing this, Liv tried to squirm away from him but Sebastian held on to her tighter. 

'Tsk, tsk, tsk still trying to run away even since I got a gift for you?" Sebastian teased while carrying a grey cub putting it into Liv's arm. 

Realizing it was the cub that she was missing, she gave him a tight hug while sobbing. 

"Don't cry, nobody will ever come between us again" Sebastian said as he nibble onto Liv's ear, earning a moan from her causing his eyes to turn pink just from the voice as he walk inside the cate while carrying Liv. 

At one of the main gate of hell, there hung a person with his hands and legs torn off on the gate. The head and the body was nailed into the gate and it was alive.... Rumor has it that it was the work of a certain potion master to keep him alive while feeling the pain for the rest of his life to come. I guess.. we would all know who that person on the gate is.

Author's note: 

Yeahh!! Finally it's completed. I started this when I was I think 17? and now i have finally finished it at the age of 20!! So thankful for all readers who had continued on this journey with me!! Do comment and tell me what you guys think of my first ever fanfiction. I am sorry if its not up your expectation but I do hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did when writing!!  

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