The Walk Home

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It was happiness on one side, while the other side is filled with sadness , regret and shame. Although Sebastian walked away, he did not leave the exhibition, he was following the happy couple who was currently in the middle of choosing the cubs. 

Looking at the happiness spread across Liv's face, Sebastian could not help but admire how happy she id compared to her expression in the manor few year's back.  Realization hit him as he realize how long it has been since he last saw her so happy, smiling so freely, too long for him that even he himself cannot seem to recalled any memory of it. 

Suddenly, he noticed something that was different compared to his memory of Liv. Liv's eyes was always a shade of soft brown which bring comforts, however, Liv's eyes currently was a total black just like a black hole, with a slight purple in them. 

The scene before him pained his heart, seeing how both of them are choosing, discussing and arguing on what the name should be for the cub. he couldn't take it any longer and left alone, instead of calling for a ride, he chose to walk alone to allow himself some time alone to think about the current situation which is happening. 

Walking down the street alone felt so foreign to him, he always had Liv by his side whenever he was at hell. In the human realm, there's always Ciel and other staff keeping him accompanied.  

Now... Its just him...Similar to Liv for the past few years...Alone...

Every scenery that he walked by pained his heart, in each corner of the street there were memories of him and Liv together. A short walk home yet felt like an eternity to him. 

" When did we stop going to exhibition together?"

"Did she go to the exhibition when I wasn't here?"

"Was she lonely too then?" 

Those were the only thoughts that clouded his mind on his way back. 

Looking at the remaining distance, he vowed to himself that he would bring Liv back no matter whatever he needs to make it happen. And once it is done, he is NEVER LEAVING HER AGAIN !

With that thought in his mind, he continued his walk back with steady pace and a mind ful of plans on what he is gonna do next. 

Authors note:

Hi!~ Please do comment some stuff, any stuff. its rather lonely that there's not much comment to read XD 

Anyway is already Christmas's Month, in case I forget, I would like to everyone reading this chapter and all of your family members to have a blessed Christmas and a happy new year which will be soon too !! Do share if you have any Christmas traditions that is done in the family too !!

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