The Truth Part 1/2

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Truth to be told, Sebastian was quite shocked when one pf the maid came running into the room without proper announcement especially when he specifically mentioned that he was in an important with the potion master. 

"What is it?" he asked annoyed that the meeting was disturbed, months and months of research and yet there is still not the slightest information on hot to break the potion that is currently on Liv.

Huffing and puffing from all the running, the maid manage to get a few words out "Sorry... the... interruption...Queen Liv...outside..!!"

Hearing this, Sebastian immediately stopped everything that he was doing and walked out. Walked gradually becomes running all the way to the gate, but the scene in front of him made him stopped his track. There she was, standing outside the castle, however, the white dress that she was wearing was no longer white but had been sainted with red and filth all over. Cladding a book in her arms, her shoulders shook as small sobs could be heard from her. When she looks up, her eyes scares Sebastian, tears running down and yet her eyes looks so lost and scared. Under the lights, she looks like as if she could break and disappear anytime. 

Sensing something is wrong, he quickly walked over and further noticed that she was barefooted and her legs was bleeding slightly from all the running. Seeing her legs and the blood stain on her, Sebastian ran over panicky, and carried her in her arms softly, fearing that the blood are from injures. Once he was sure that his carry didn't inflict any pain based on Liv reaction, Sebastian shouted to the maids to prepare a bath, bandages and to get the potion master over to the room immediately. 

Bringing her to the bathroom, he sits her at the side of the tub which is filled with scented warm water. As the warmth slowly warm Liv up, she started to calm down and notice her surrounding and the man holding her preventing her from falling into the tub. She know the man as Sebastian and nothing more and yet she feel save with him, his touches bring comfort to her in a way that Clade could never have. Feeling that Liv would get scared with him in the same space, he told her softly, " I am gonna leave you here with the maid to get you clean up is that ok? You are safe now." And with that he let go of her hands and started walking away... 

Suddenly, Liv hand reached out and grab his with trembling voice she said "Can you wait just at the door? Please?" Hearing that voice breaks Sebastian's heart in which he agree and patted her head softly before leaving the door open and waiting just outside the door. 

Not long after, the maids left and informed Sebastian that they are finished. Sebastian went in and saw that Liv was just sitting there, her hair still wet hugging herself.  Slowly, ha carried her to the bed and started to dry her hair. In the mean time, the potion master came in which startled Liv in which she grabbed hold of Sebastian and use him as a shield to block herself from the potion master's view. 

"It's ok, he's here to check on you to make sure you are fine that's all." The sight in front him causes rage in the potion master's heart. After checking and making sure that she is fine except her legs, the potion maker left vowing to find Claude who is the cause of this. 

With the bandages at hand, Sebastian lifted her legs up to his thigh while slowly applying medication to her wound. Looking at how he applied, Liv took her time to observe the room that she was in and noticed that the room was the same room as the one that appeared in her visions. 

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