The Research

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Once reaching back to his palace, Sebastian quickly made his way to the potion's master room. 

The potion master had been considered as the doctor for the royal families for centuries as the title is being passed from generation to generation to the next successor. However, due to the mysteriousness of that person in charge nobody really know about that. To the public, the doctor of the royals had been alive for god knows how long. Therefore, there are always rumour spreading around town that the doctor is in posses of a stone "The Philosopher's Stone" which is able to provide immortality to anyone who holds it. With this rumour, it helps to keep the power of the royal family as a secret which further help in strengthening he royal family positions. 

Walking into the room, Sebastian is hit by the pungent smell of various potions brewing in the room. Normally when anyone from the castle is sick, they are given a certain potion to solve the problem which is why most of them are accustomed to the smell from the bottle. . Even with the pungent smell from the bottle, everybody would not question the efficiency of the potions as the potion never fails to solve the issue. 

Although Sebastian had been accustomed to the smell since young, but walking into the literal "factory" of the potions still causes him to gag out of reflex and back out from the room. Being so near to it makes the smell at least 10x stronger than normal. Preparing himself to enter for the second time, he took a big gulp of air and went straight in with an aim. 

"Potion master, are you in ?!" Sebastian shouted in the room. 

"What is it that you need, your highness?..." a weak voice answered coming from below a table behind Sebastian. scaring the crap out of him.

Taking some time to calm himself down, he turned around just to see a teenage boy who don't look like a teenage boy at all with the heavy bags under his eyes and the pale skin similar to a corpse. There's no denying that he is handsome, but with those features, it looks like he is gonna drop down dead anytime. 

"Are you feeling alright...? You look bad ...." asked Sebastian concern lacing in his tone. 

"Cut the chase and get to the point, what do you need? its been 2 days since I last slept. " answered the potion master feeling extra annoyed with the disturbance when he was about to take a nap below the table. 

Not many people know, but both the king and the potion master had been friends since a long time ago. Therefore, they have far past the step of addressing each other by title when chatting internally. 

"Would you perhaps know of or heard before any spells or potions that alters/remove one's memory?"

"And you are asking this because...? You are planning to alter anyone's memory?" 

Seeing no answer is given by his friend and judging from his expression, something popped into his mind!!!

"You found Liv didn't you?!" he exclaimed. 

Ever since the marriage, the potion master had been treating Liv like his own younger sister. Truth to be told, when Sebastian wasn't here, he was constantly thinking of ways of brewing Sebastian into bottles of potions to be scattered around the world. 

"I think I found her... no... I AM POSITIVE THAT"S HER!!But... "

"But WHAT?!!" barked the potion master. 

"She may not be herself anymore..." 

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