Chapter Seventeen - The Battle for Hotaru

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Thunder rumbles above, shaking the earth beneath my feet. I grin, the blade of my ninjatō coated with blood. Swirls of blue flames roar around me, setting fire to the houses on either side of the street. I walk through the conflagration, a demon of fire and chaos. I haven't let go like this in so long! It feels wonderful to scourge this wretched place. I am well fed, triumphant in my raw power.

People scream and run, and those who come at me, I cut down. A few try to stand against me. The foolish man-things stand no chance. My tails thrash and destroy. I knock a man into a house consumed by my fox fire. He screams until he turns to ash. Lightning arcs down around me in nature's raw fury.

I move with relentless purpose through the maelstrom. For you, my love, all for you. The priest expected a battle, and he shall have it. But on my terms, not his. This havoc will unhinge him. Besides, I love slaughter for its own sake.

The rain unleashes in scouring torrents. Now there is no one in my path. I stride with intent, wondering if you can break free, or if they have you tied up in the house. I must do away with the holy man and find you. I will not let anything happen to you, Hotaru. I am deeply concerned for your well being. I have a compulsion to see you are safe above all else.

Then I see you on the other side of the river, the current high and swift between us. "Hotaru!" I call out.

You break into a run to the bridge. I run to you. We meet in the center of the span in the downpour. The water beads on your lashes, running down your beautiful face. I pull you into my arms and tails, relieved and overjoyed to have found you. You return the embrace.

"Thank goodness," I say, sighing, holding you. "I've been worried. Are you well? Did they hurt you?" This is the first time I care about anything other than myself. I need you.


I kiss you and at first you melt against me. Then you stiffen and draw back.

"What is it?" I ask.


I smile. "Oh! Do you like it?" I ask hopefully. Your eyes grow huge. "I did that for you. It is my gift. I wanted her to pay for all the misery she put you through. I cursed her so her deeds rebounded and her true nature became manifest. The shape it took is her own evil." I am proud of my deed, but I wonder that you are unhappy. "Did... I do it wrong?" I ask quizzically, tilting my head.

You look over my shoulder and survey the damage behind me, the bodies of those I've slain, the fire raging through the town, the sounds of distant screams. Tears spring to your eyes. You look at me sadly, heartbroken.

"What is it? I told you I would always come for you." Can you not see? I had to.

"Oh, Isamu." You drop your gaze. You are upset. I am genuinely confused.

"Please, Hotaru, what did I do wrong? Tell me and I will make it right," I beg earnestly.

"You can't," you say softly, barely audible in the storm. "But somehow I still love you." Because of the rain, I am uncertain, but... are you crying?

I hold you again, not sure what to do to appease you. I know we cannot stay here, so I take your hand and notice your wrist is red. I frown. Damn them all! "Come, please! Let me take you from this place. I will make you happy, I promise."

You nod and we cross to your side of the river, the fire too treacherous on the other. Just as we step off, the shinshoku arrives. He is winded, but strong in spite of his age. And now he has a staff in his hand.

"Isamu!" I hear you cry out beside me.

"Now to finish this, nogitsune," he says.

I thrust you protectively behind me. "Get out of my way. I'm going."

"Yes, you are, but not with the woman."

"I am not leaving this world without her. I love her!"

The priest laughs at me. "I do not believe it! If that was true, you would let her go!"

"Never! She's mine!" Let you go? Is he insane? I love you, and you belong to me! You love me. You agreed to come.

The priest begins to chant. He glows brilliantly to my vision. The rain abates. I rush him, knowing I haven't much time. He meets my sword with the staff, and still his power builds! He meets my attacks smoothly, one after the other. His face is stern in his resolve.

Damn it! This is frustrating! Even my tails can't get around his defense. I only want to take my bride home. Why is this so wrong? I have found someone who wants me, whom I want in return. My own fortitude strengthens. I dare not lose! I'm too close to having the only thing I want! My tails strike like snakes! He takes two of my hits, grunting.

The warrior priest now attacks me, meeting me blow for blow. With the strength of the divine kami inside of him, he is strong. Our struggle is epic. I transform into my full demonic aspect. Forgive me, Hotaru. I am most powerful like this, and I need the edge it gives me.

I shriek at him and lunge. He cracks my muzzle hard. It hurts, but I grasp his staff and pull it from his grip. I stagger with the force and momentum, back towards the river. One of my tails bumps into something, or someone... and only too late do I understand.

It's you.

I whirl and watch you disappear into the raging river. Water and darkness sweep you away with alarming speed. "Hotaru!"

To hell with the priest! I mean to go after you, but I cannot move! I am bound again! "NO!" I screech, panic stricken. You'll die! I thrash helplessly, unable to break free. The shinshoku continues reciting prayers. Then...

All goes dark.

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