First flight

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It felt like you had been there waiting for hours, and you were ready to pull your head away when you felt a warm and larger one be placed over your smaller one. Whipping your head around you smiled and laughed lightly.

"You mean you'll fly with me?" You asked excitedly.
"Yes, I will."

Pulling him closer, you waited until he was sat behind you before taking his arms and wrapping them around your waist, you thanked all the gods that Thranduil couldn't see your face right now.

"Is this really necessary?" He asked.
"Just for now, when we even out you can let go."

Rubbing Toothless' neck you nodded to him and leaned over.


He purred and spread his wings, carefully taking to the sky. Instantly you felt Thranduil's arms tighten around you, taking one hand of the handle you placed it over his, wrapping your fingers around the back of his hand.

"You're safe, I promise."

Thranduil didn't say anything, but you could feel how tense his body was, even as you levelled out far above the ground near the clouds. His body was stiff and ridged. His head was pressed against your back.

"You need to relax." You said softly.
"How?!" He hissed.

Toothless levelled out and you took your other hand away from the saddle and covered Thranduil's other hand. You gently messaged his skin as toothless softly glided between the clouds.

"Open your eyes Thrandull, I promise you won't regret it."
"I'm starting to regret agreeing to this..." he mumbled.

You laughed lightly and looked over at the sunset. Toothless turned to carry on circling Mirkwood as you tired to coax Thranduil to relax.

"Just open your eyes, please?"

You didn't hear a reply but you felt Thranduil lift his head and you heard a gasp. Turning your head you smiled softly at the amazement in Thranduil's eyes. His grip lightened and he turned back to you.

"You see this daily?"
"I do, but it never ceases to amaze me. It's a beauty like none other."
"It really is."

You grinned and held up your hands to feel the clouds. You laughed at how odd they felt and Thranduil rose a brow but he copied you, reaching one hand up to run through the cloud before bringing it back down around your waist. You spread your arms out to the side and sighed in content before placing them back onto the saddle handles.

"Thank you Viking."
"You're welcome, maybe next time you can fly with us again."

You grinned as you pat toothless.

"Bring us down bud." You whispered.

Toothless hummed and lightly angled himself as he glided to the ground. You sighed lightly as you brought a hand to hold the elf kings as toothless lowered himself onto the ground.

Thranduil climbed off and you laughed a little as you fixed his hair for him and gave a nod of approval. You climbed of toothless and stretched as you looked at the few stars that appeared in the sky.

"May I ask you a question?"
"Of course." You smiled.
"Why did you want me to join?"

You looked at him then to toothless as you thought for a second.

"I suppose I wanted you to join because I wanted you to see things how I see them."
"You're very passionate about flying."
"When I'm flying I'm free, I'm not tied to anything. It's just me, toothless and he endless sky."
"I never thought I'd have the chance to fly, let alone on the back of a dragon." He chuckled quietly.
"There's a first time for everything." You grinned.
"That there is." He nodded, "let us head back."

Nodding you fell in step besides him as toothless walked on his other side. It didn't take long to return and when you did you were shocked at how many people were crowded around the gate.

"I'm sorry my king, I tried to send them away but they saw a dragon."

There was a chorus of questions and Thranduil held up his hand, silencing them all.

"The dragon you saw was this one, he and his rider were simply flying around the forest. There is no threat, return to what it is you were doing."

Everyone looked at each other and mumbled a few things before nodding. Many left but a few still stood by to watch as the three of you walked past. You hummed as you walked, only to be stopped when a guard held out an envelope to Thranduil. He rose a brow and opened it, quickly reading it before sighing.

"What's wrong Thrandull?"
"The dwarf king wishes for a peace treaty. He has invited me to his mountain in one months time."
"You should do it."

Thranduil turned towards you and crossed his arms. You shrugged and clasped your hands behind your back.

"I know a few things about being a leader. I ran the village with my brother once, it's best if you go, hear him out."

Thranduil seemed to think your words over. He handed the envelope to the guard.

"We'll be attending."

The guard bowed and scurried away and you smiled proudly. Thranduil pointed an accusing finger at you with amusement behind his eyes.

"You'll be coming with me Viking."
"I was going to go either way." You laughed.

Thranduil rolled his eyes and shook his head as he walked away. Grinning you headed back to your room, stripped toothless of his saddle, stripped your armour and collapsed on the bed. This was going to be fun

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