Old friends

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You couldn't take your mind off Thranduil, something about him intrigued you, whether it was how elegant he seemed or his mysterious aura you weren't sure but it made you want to learn more, want to see him again. His eyes showed he has a deeper story, they were the eyes of someone who'd been hurt deeply. You desperately wanted to seek him out and talk with him, but, with the way he acted around Toothless you didn't want to risk your best friend's life like that.

Sighing, you rested your head on Toothless' side while he ate some fish you had caught from the lake. He let out a low grumble and nudged some fish towards you.

"I'm good bud, you have it." You smiled.

He huffed but took the fish back. Watching as you stood up and walked a few steps before following you, nudging your hand with his head. He sat down on his back legs, his fame now taller than yours.

"Where should we go next?" You grinned turning to him.

Toothless dropped his front paws and gestured to the saddles with his head, his big eyes shifting between it and you. Laughing, you climbed on, hearing the familiar click you gripped the handles and pet his head.

"Let's go!"

Toothless roared and took off to the sky, seemingly knowing exactly where he wanted to go. You just watched as the land below went by, occasionally moving your foot when toothless tilted and went higher or lower.

Soon enough you you could see the outline of a familiar hidden city. You couldn't help but laugh as toothless slowed his pace. Quickly descending, the pair of you landed on the bridge as toothless walked closer towards the awaiting duo.

"Mellon, it is good to see you both again."
"As it is to see you, Elrond, Lindir."

Jumping off toothless, you laughed once more as he bounded over to Lindir, jumping on the elf and knocking him over as everyone chuckled.

"I should have known he wanted to come here, you spoil him."
"Lady (Y/N) do you mind if I take him for a bit?" Lindir asked.
"Not at all, go right ahead." You smiled.

Lindir quickly ushered Toothless away from you and lord Elrond. The elf had taken a liking to the dragon after watching how you two bonded, and you knew he wasn't the only one in Rivendell who loved the gentle dragon.

Smiling to yourself, you turned to Lord Elrond who had offered you his arm.

"Walk with me?"
"Of course my friend."

Looping your arm around his, you allowed him to lead you towards one of the many gardens of Rivendell. It was peaceful at first and silent until Elrond spoke up.

"We have nearly finished that new tail you designed."
"Really?!" You gasped, "that's amazing news, thank you so much!"
"It was our pleasure, hopefully it'll allow toothless and yourself to learn new tricks." He smiled.
"You know we will Elrond, we can't help it. I had been trying to build it back home, but we didn't have the right materials I needed, I'm grateful you offered to help. I know you enjoy seeing toothless and I preform."
"You two have a unique bond, it's interesting to see. You have done more than enough for us, you know we shall always help if we can."
"I know." You smiled, "you wouldn't mind if we stay here for a bit would you?"
"You are more than welcome to stay if that is what you wish."

It was silent once again, until you remembered something.

"Elrond, who is King Thranduil?"
"Why do you ask?"
"I met him when I was saving the princes and king of Erebor. He threatened to harm toothless and I was wondering why."
"Unfortunately, it is not my place to say. But I can assure you no matter what no harm shall come to you two here. King or not, Thranduil has no say here."
"Alright, thank you." You smiled.

Elrond pat your shoulder, offered you a light smile before he turned around and walked away, leaving you to the comfort of the garden.

Another two days passed and you were carrying around a brand new tail for toothless, it had just been handed to you by one of the many other elves here, though you couldn't find your friend anywhere. You were going to ask Lindir or Elrond but you couldn't find them either. Thankfully, you had spotted Arwen, though she seemed in a hurry.

"(Y/N)? What can I do for you?" She smiled turning around.
"Two questions, are you okay? And have you seen toothless."
"Yes, I'm well thank you. We're in a hurry preparing for our guest, he'll be arriving any minute. As for toothless, I think I saw my father with him earlier."

You frowned and set the tail down on the steps as you sat down. Tilting your head back to the sky.

"Who's the guest?"
"Ada has told me not to say. I'm sorry." She smiled sadly.

You watched as she left. Picking up the tail once more, you stood and begun to walk around once more, paying more attention to what was around you instead of in front of you, and as a result you were suddenly on the ground. You yelped in shock and sat up.

Blinking, you heard grumbling and a shadow loomed over you making you gulp. Slowly you lifted your head and how you wish you hadn't.

"King Thranduil.." you whispered

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