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Three sets of laughter could be heard in the wind, causing the Elves of Rivendell to step out their homes and watch as the dragon and the eagle dived towards the ground. They were used to this but they still loved to see who would win.

When Elrond heard the screech of an eagle followed by the roar of a dragon, he rolled his eyes and followed the others outside. He, Lindir and Thranduil watched as they plummeted to the ground.

Quickly toothless extended his wings as the ground got closer, slowing the decent as he hit the ground. Followed by an eagle not even a second later.

"Ha! We win Gandalf!" You cheered.
"You can't beat a dragon." Arwen laughed as she jumped off.

Walking over to her father she kissed his cheek and watched as he approached you two.

"Again with the races? Mithrandir you know Lady Galadriel will tell you two off again."
"I cannot help myself." Gandalf laughed, "it makes me feel young again.

The wizard jumped from the eagle and let it fly away as he walked over, he took your hand and kissed the back of it in greeting.

"It is wonderful to see you my lady. Thank you for aiding the dwarfs, I fear the outcome would have been much different."
"You know I will always aid those who need it my friend. It's who I am."

He nodded and smiled at you before turning to Elrond.

"Mithrandir and (Y/N) the defender!" A voice boomed.
"Oops." You giggled.

From the grand castle of Rivendell emerged a beautiful female. Her blue eyes fixed on you and the wizard as she walked closer, though she sounded angry you could see the smile on her face.

"Lady Galadriel, to what do we owe the pleasure." You smiled and bowed your head.
"I suspect you know why I'm here my child. You two are racing again."
"We were merely having a bit of fun My Lady." Gandalf bowed with a smirk.
"Perhaps, but the eagles Mithrandir, are not for racing."

She walked closer and placed a soft hand on toothless, he closed his eyes and hummed in content as she smiled down at him.

"You three are trouble." She smiled, "no more racing eagles."
"Yes my lady." You both bowed.

Lady Galadriel nodded, satisfied. Smiled at Elrond, Lindir, Arwen and Thranduil before taking her leave again. You and Gandalf watched her leave before turning to each other, he pulled out a fish and fed it to toothless before throwing you a pouch of coins.

"I'll always win my friend."
"I know my lady." He chuckled before walking away.

Leaning forward, you laid on toothless as you rubbed his head with a smile. A young child walked up and beamed at you.

"Hello! May I pet him please? Nana and Ada say I have to ask."

Sliding down from the saddle you motion for him to follow you. Kneeling, you nodded at toothless who moved closer, humming as the child rubs his head.

"He feels weird." The child giggled, "Thank you!"
"Not a problem." You beamed.

Stretching, you looked at the evening sky with a smile on your face, turning to Elrond and Thranduil.

"We shall be retiring now if you don't mind."
"Not at all, sleep well." Elrond nodded and moved side.

Walking past, toothless followed behind, letting out a content hum as he walked past the Ellon's, once he his tail was in line, he quickly tripped Thranduil. Toothless let out a mocking laugh as he ran towards you.

"Damn beast!"
"Come now, he meant no harm."
"It laughed at me!"

You bit back the smirk as Toothless walked alongside you. Once you were sure you were out of sight you laughed and let him.

"Good boy." You snickered.

Flinging your room door open, you took of the saddle before toothless hoped on the bed while you closed the doors and quickly changed before falling onto it besides him. Toothless wrapped his tail around you and covered you with his wing while you rested your head on his chest.

"Goodnight bud."

Purring, toothless closed his eyes and the pair of you fell asleep not long after, unaware of the certain Ellon's who came to check on you hours later and one who couldn't take his gaze away from the sight before him

Free Fall (Thranduil x Reader) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon