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For the next few days you hadn't seen Thranduil and you were wondering if you had upset him. Laying on your bed, nearly four days after the conversation you were too lost in your head to hear someone walk in.

"Are you alright Mellon?"

Tilting your head, you watched as Tarel walking in with some fresh bandages. Sitting up, you removed your tunic to allow her access to the one around you torso.

"Yes, Just thinking is all." You smiled.
"May I ask what about?"
"Have I upset Thrandull?"

She giggled at how you said his name and shook her head while she bandaged you up.

"Not at all dear, in fact whatever you said to him must have opened his eyes."
"Why's that?"
"No one has seen him for many days but some claim they saw him in the garden. Apparently he just sits there."

She helped you pull your tunic back on and gave you a warm smile.

"You can fly not but only gentle rides okay?"
"Okay!" You beamed.

She laughed and walked out, picking up the saddle you left the room and started looking around.

"Toothless!" You called.
"Are you looking for your dragon? I believe I saw him heading towards the garden."
"Thank you sir."

Heading that way, you slowly made you way to the door and quietly pushed it open. The sight you saw was one you never thought you'd see, Thranduil was sat on the bench while toothless sat next to him, the pair of them seemed to be staring off into the distance.

"Why do they call you toothless?"

Toothless tilted his head and opened his mouth to reveal teeth-less gums.

"That would make sense."

Toothless allowed his teeth out and Thranduil jumped lightly. Watching as they disappeared again and toothless closed his mouth.

"How odd." Thranduil mused.

Toothless nodded his head and went back to looking at whatever had caught his attention. You caught Thranduil lifting his hand and slowly bringing it towards the dragons side. Toothless' ears flattened against his head and he let out a low growl. Thranduil didn't back down, he placed his hand and took a sharp intake of breath.

"So smooth yet so rough."

Toothless stopped growling and it was quickly replaced by what sounded like a purr. A soft smile broke onto your face.

"You are an odd creature. You are not like the dragons I have seen here."

This caught your interest, they had dragons here? Did he encounter one? Is that why he disliked toothless? Seeing Thranduil stand up, you crouched behind a bush as you watched him hold out his hand, your eyes widened when you realised what he was doing.

"I have seen the Viking do this, though I am unsure what it means."

Thranduil kept his hand out and turned his head away, you held your breath as toothless jumped from the bench and crept closer. He slowly leaned his head in before stopping, then he closed his eyes and gently pressed his nose to Thranduil's hand. The king turned to face the dragon who opened his eyes once more before shaking his head then turned away.

"You are very stubborn, much like the Viking who rides you."

Toothless let out a low hum as he laid onto the ground. Thranduil sat back down onto the bench as he looked up to the sky.

"You are free to leave, yet you stay here. You can go wherever you please yet you stick by her side. Why?" Thranduil asked himself.

You felt like that was a good time to step in, placing the saddle by the door you begun to walk forward quietly.

"You're right, he is free to leave. Like I am free to send him away, but I can't because I cannot picture life without him. Toothless is my best friend, I would not wish to be without him."

Thranduil whipped his head around to face you as you walked over, before standing in front of the pair.

"How long have you been there?"
"Long enough to know where my dragon has been disappearing to. I thought I had upset you."
"What made you think such a thing?"
"You have been avoiding me since our last talk." You pointed out.

Thranduil stood, his taller frame towering over you slightly as he took a step closer. He looked you dead in the eyes.

"I have been thinking."
"Did it hurt?" You grinned.

Rolling his eyes, he smirked a little at the comment.

"No, but it did open my eyes. For many years I had despised dragons. Then you show up riding one and I thought it to be the same as the others, but I was wrong. I had thought you insane. He is nothing like the beasts I have seen."
"He's special."
"Indeed, you both are. If you do not mind... I would wish to get to know the pair of you better."
"I'd like that." You smiled.

Thranduil let the smallest of smiles grace his lips.

"What brings you out here?"
"Tarel said I can fly again, but only calm flights."

Toothless jumped up and this and begun to bounce around making the pair of you laugh. He bounded for the door as you and Thranduil followed, you picked up the saddle and begun to walk down the halls.

"Thrandull, you can come watch if you like. We'll need a guide out of the forest anyway."
"Very well, allow me to change first."

Free Fall (Thranduil x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now