Dammed dragon

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Blood had slowly stained the majority of your tunic and you found it hard to focus. Turning your head, you met with the worried eyes of toothless. Taking a shaky  breath, you put a weak smile on.

"You... you have to find help..."

Toothless stood up and begun to run away, but he quickly came bounding back over as he nudged you with his head.

"I love you too... now... go... quick." You whispered.

With one last nudge toothless ran off and you saw him take to the sky as he circled you once before disappearing. Turning your head back to the blue sky above you, you brought an arm around your mid-section, feeling the blood seep through your fingers.

"Hurry my friend..." you whispered closing your eyes.

Toothless frantically soared the skies as he looked for help, though he wasn't finding any. As the tree below him broke into a small clearing, his eyes landed on a familiar elk that was approaching where you were laid. 

Toothless dived down, roughly hitting the ground as he jumped around them making panicked noises and looking the way the elves were headed.

"Is there any reason your back here?" Thranduil sneered.

Toothless whined and jumped as he darted into the forest and back out again.

"I think he wants us to follow him." A guard spoke.

Toothless nodded his head as he waited. Thranduil sighed and ran a hand down his face.

"We are not following this creature into the woods."

Toothless screeched, making the elk and the horses rear up. He narrowed his eyes at the king and stalked forward.

"Sir, there's blood on his saddle!"
"Maybe he came across some orcs." Thranduil shrugged.
"No sir, this is red, not black."

Thranduil lowered  his gaze to Toothless' green eyes, they were wide and pleading as he let out a gentle groan.

"Follow him!" Thranduil barked.

Toothless' ears perked up and he turned around, glancing behind him before he took off into the trees with four horses and an elk following him closely behind.

After another half an hour of avoiding trees, logs and animals they came into a much larger clearing. Toothless ran back over to the rock and nudged you with his head, watching as the elves crowded around.

"Stupid girl took of her armour." Thranduil grumbled, "tend to her wounds the best you can. We're a day out, we'll ride through the night. You are to immediately take her to the healers."
"Yes sir!" The guards bowed.

Toothless watched helplessly as they lifted your tunic to reveal the deep gash on your side as they tried their best to stop it's bleeding. Once they were done, the guards lifted you onto one of the horses and they tore out the field with toothless following behind them.

Day turned into night, night once again turned into day and they were rushing through a murky woodland area and straight through he gates of a town, many people were shocked to see their king in such a hurry, as well as a dragon rushing behind them.

"Quick now, to the healers with her."

Getting you down, the guards held you gently as they ran through the halls with Thranduil and Toothless behind them.

"My king!" The healers bowed.
"Can you heal her?" He demanded.
"We can try but we ask you to leave."

He nodded and made his way for the door, eyes landing on toothless sat by the wall with his gaze fixed on you. Sighing, he rolled his eyes and pat his side as if the dragon were a dog.

"Come now, they must have peace."

Humming, toothless walked over to you and nudged you with his head before following the king out the room. The door closed and he sat down in front of the opposite wall. Thranduil watched, a sliver of guilt made its way into his heart, if he hadn't sent you away perhaps you wouldn't have gotten hurt.

Sighing once more, he left, not glancing back as he walked down the halls to his chambers. A few hours passed and there was a knock on his door.

"My lord." An Elleth bowed.
"What is it?"
"The healers have done their best, she'll need plenty of rest. The guards aren't sure what to do with the... dragon.. outside her door."

Thranduil groaned again and stood up, pulled a robe on as he followed the younger elf down the corridor. They turned a few corners and he stopped guards aiming their weapons and a distressed toothless.

"You are all dismissed."
"But sir-" "Do I have to repeat myself?"

Quickly they nodded and scampered away, leaving toothless, the healer and the king.

"She'll need to rest alone I'm afraid. We cannot allow him in my king."
"Very well, you are dismissed."

Thranduil and toothless watched her leave before they turned to each other. Rolling his eyes, Thranduil opened the door.

"A few moments."

Toothless ran in and sat by your side. The amount of love in his green eyes was more than enough to shock Thranduil. When he looked at toothless he saw a dangerous beast like any other dragon. When you looked at toothless, you saw a best friend, a companion. Your views were totally different, Thranduil's made him expect toothless to leave when he had the chance to, but here he was, sat by your side as he watched you breath.

"Come now, you'll be allowed back on the morning."

Toothless followed Thranduil out and Thranduil closed the door, looking at the dragon once more before he went to walk away but he froze.

"They didn't take your saddle off." He deadpanned.

Toothless tilted his head and watched as the king crept closer, letting out a light growl as he reached out.

"Be quiet!" He snapped, "I'm trying to get this of so you can rest comfortably."

At first Thranduil was confused as to how to get it off, but soon enough he figured it out and he dropped it next to the wall, slowly his hand reached out but he stopped himself and spun around.

"Now go to sleep you damned dragon." He muttered storming off

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