He held me tighter. "I will, if you will let me."

"I don't know," I shook my head. "I don't know, nothing makes sense. I can't listen to you right now, I'm not in the right state of mind, I just can't."


"—no you don't understand. I won't be able to listen, to understand. Just looking at you hurts Aayan, it hurts so bad."

Aayan held me tighter. "It hurts wallah, it hurts real bad." If possible he held me tighter, as if he wants to hide me in his body, away from all this pain and heartache. "I'm sorry," he kissed the top of my head. "I'm so sorry."

"Your sorry won't fix anything, it won't change a thing. It won't take away anything, it won't take away the pain brewing within me, threatening to consume the whole of me."

"I know, I know love. I know." I wanted to tell him to stop calling me that, to stop with the terms of endearment but the part of me that still craved his love and affection didn't let me.

"Leave Aayan." I pulled away, this time gently. I used the edge of my palms to rub my eyes. "Please leave." The fight in me drained.

Aayan shook head. "La; no, don't. I just want to be near you, I want to make sure you're okay just maybe my heart could be at ease."

"As you can see, I'm properly being taken care of. And your heart was at ease leaving for three month, what changed?" I bit out the last sentence. Aayan looks like I've physically punched him. I felt bad a little but before the feeling could fully take over I forcefully pushed it down and away.

"I'm gonna say it one last time, leave. Leave before I say something I might regret. Wallahi, wallahi Aayan I don't want to be near you or even be in the same room as you wallahi. Is that too much to ask for?" I snivel. "Can't you do that for me? Can't you just leave me alone?"

Aayan clenched his eyes shot, when he opened them they've turned red, glistening red. "You're right," he said in a raspy voice. "the least I could do is respect your wishes and give you the space you need. I would do what you ask of me, but know that I'm not leaving you alone completely. I'm sorry but I can't do that. I'll leave, for now." He alighted the bed and stood straight, he bend to his knees, his face in line with mine. Aayan held both of my cheeks with his palms, stroking gently with his thumbs on both side. He placed his lips delicately on my forehead. "I love you," I closed my eyes shut because of the intensity of his words, the look I saw on his face just before I shut my eyes didn't help.

I didn't open my eyes till I was sure he has left. I released a huge sigh. Affan walked in not more two minutes later. In his hands was a bouquet with a balloon. He stretched his hands to me. "From Uncle Aayan." He simply said and walked out immediately. It's a chocolate bouquet. The bouquet's content were Cadbury, KitKat, Snickers, two brands I don't recognize, roses and a balloon that says 'I love you.'


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