"I thought you said I was back to my old self again"

"You are, but every time someone mentions the wedding you look like it's a funeral we're having not a wedding..."

Now it was your turn to squirm. "It's just a lot of palava for one day...and I don't like the idea of showing off for the sake of showing off"

"Well I wish you would let me show you off, just a little. And to me it's the one day where I officially, and publicly, make you mine"

"I thought I already was yours" you sassed, moving to straddle him, arms around his neck, finger twirling a loose curl. 

"Smart ass" he growled, squeezing your ass firmly. "Our wedding is where I declare, not only to our family and friends, but to the world that I love you and that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you and no one else" he said, somehow serious despite his prowling fingers.

"Handsome, I already know that. And you know it too. Do you think I'm being weird because it's the big white wedding I didn't want?". Tom shrugged, avoiding your eyes. That was a yes, you thought sadly. "Handsome, I love you and no one will ever come close to you. I don't have to wait for our wedding to know that I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you. I didn't even have to wait for you to ask me to marry you. I just kinda knew. Sure, I would've loved to have gotten married at the courthouse months ago. But if I had to marry anyone in a big white wedding with $4000 silverware and a cake too tall for us to cut, then I'd do it again and again and again. So long as it was to you"

"Now who's the sweet talker" Tom murmured, smiling at you.

You smiled back as you dipped your finger into one of the cakes, lasciviously sucking on the cream and fondant as you looked at Tom, who returned your gaze with equal hunger.

"Come on Daddy. Mama's got a real bad craving for something sweet" you teased. 

Tom didn't need any further encouragement, standing and carrying you back down towards the bedroom, pausing only to allow you to grab some more cake.


You hadn't told anyone about your conversation with Louise, nor that you had reluctantly agreed to meet her for coffee after she'd called you another three times. Every fibre of your being told you not to go, but you wanted to see for yourself if she was serious about this whole new religious Louise thing.

You nervously twisted your engagement ring, trying not to appear agitated as you waited for her to arrive. You nearly didn't recognise her when she did.

She wore only the barest of makeup, a far cry from the days where she would literally paint foundation on. Her clothes, whilst normal, were unusually modest and she'd taken out the fifty piercings she had in her ears.

"Y/N!" she cried, rushing over to you and wrapping her arms around your neck before you could stand.

"H-hi Lou" you mumbled, patting her shoulder awkwardly. You were already on the back-foot, completely taken aback by her greeting.

"You look great, how are you?!" she gushed, sitting down and looking at you excitedly. "You're getting married soon, yeah?"

You nodded vaguely. You couldn't recall a time when Lou had ever been so happy to see you.

"Yeah. Uh, so what, uh, what about you?"

"Well, I've enrolled in a childcare course. I've decided I'm going to be a nanny!"

"Oh...how lovely"

"Yes, I'm going to be a nanny and travel the world and take care of rich peoples kids"

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