I saw Harry throwing punches at a worn punching bag. Harry's usually neat hair was messy and drench in sweat, he was wearing a loose tank top and shorts, with a pair of runners. I walked over to a jungle gym area that Tony had put in for me to use and to help keep my skills sharp. I stretch a bit before doing my work out routine.

I was listening to my music as I started to do flips off of a high bar, I twist in mid-air and grab one of the lower bars, ignoring the fiery pain in my arm and shoulder. I spun a few times before pushing off and did a front flip and landed on the ground with my signature Spider-man pose. I stood up and notice Harry watching me with a smirk on his lips. Pausing my music and sliding my headphones so they hung around my neck as I walked over to Harry.

"What?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

"Nothing, just thinking what it would be like if you took dance., you would make a great ballerina." Harry said before dashing out of the gym.

I froze before blushing.

"HAAARRRRYYY!!!!" I shouted before running after him.


After a good three hours of Harry and I running around the tower, we had to take a break and started laughing before we both decided to make supper for ourselves. I laughed as I watch Harry try and fail making pizza dough.

"Okay Har, out of the kitchen." I said, smiling as Harry groaned and sat on a mess free counter.

"No I think I'll just watch you make the pizza's from here." Harry said.

I rolled my eyes before cleaning up Harry's mess before making another batch. I could hear Harry snicker every once in a while. Once the dough was prepped I split the dough before stretching the dough and I put some homemade pizza sauce on to the stretched dough before putting on the toppings and cheese.

I saw Harry turn on the oven before going back to his spot on the counter. I chuckled before waiting for the oven to heat up.

"So Do you know when the others will be back?" Harry asked.

"Some time tonight, that's what F.R.I.D.A.Y told me." I said, putting the pizza in the oven and set a timer.

"Okay... so this means movie Marathon?" Harry asked.

I paused with my hands under warm water before grinning at Harry.

"Yup!" I chirped.


Me and Harry sat on the couch watching a Harry Potter Marathon eating our pizzas and chips, with me asking Harry if he was secretly a Wizard just to have chips thrown at my face. We were on the sixth movie when the Avenger's came back.... but with extra people following them close behind.

There was a guy with a leather jacket with a walker(From the first movie) and head phones around his neck. A girl with red hair and green skin, a raccoon with a utility belt and pants! A walking tree, a lady with antenna's followed by a man with greyish blue skin with red tattoos on his skin. 

"I see that you boys are still up." Tony stated.

"Yeah, we were waiting for you." Harry said.

"Uh huh." Steve said, not believing what Harry said.

"Uhh... I actually need a field trip form signed since the field trip is on Monday." I said, running to my room and grabbing my bag and ran back as I pulled the form out.

Tony walked over and signed the sheet of paper before giving it back to me, I put the form in my bag and left my bag on the end of the couch then sat down once more.

"So who are the new faces." Harry asked.

"These guys are the Guardians of the Galaxy." Scott said.

"Yeah I'm the leader!" The man and the raccoon said together.

Everyone blinked as the two started to argue.

"Idiots..." the green skinned lady said, "I'm Gamora, the one with the antenna's is Mantis. The brute is Drax and the raccoon is Rocket, the tree is Groot and the idiot is Peter." Gamora said.


"Now way!" Peter said.

"Wait! We now have two Peter's." Scott said.

We all nodded at this.

"Oh that's easy, we call Peter 'Quill' so we got no problem." Rocket said.

We all nodded. I saw Groot walk over to Harry and I and sat down, he was playing some old game thing. Harry and I watch Groot for a moment before looking at each other.

"Hey Groot, do you want to learn how to play Mario Cart?" I asked and I watch Groot shrug.

"I am Groot." He said.

I was confused before shrugging.

"I'll take that as a yes." I chirped before grabbing the game console and got everything set up.

Once everything was ready, I was showing Groot the controls before we started the game, Quill was happy to play as well... we ended up taking turns with everyone and I ended up tied with Groot and Harry after kicking Clint's butt.


"Okay everyone time for bed." Pepper said when she came in.

We all groaned at this. I just sighed and got up before pulling Harry up with my left arm, bad idea. I hissed as my arm stung along with my whole shoulder. Harry looked at me for a moment before grabbing my bicep but I yelped before pulling away and fell on my butt. Everyone rushed over and Tony wanted me to take off my shirt which I shook my head. Then Mantis placed her hand on my shoulder.

"He's in pain! Emotionally and physically!" She cried as her hand flinched away from my shoulder.

"That's it kid, off with the shirt." Steve said.

"I'm fine!" I said, glaring at the floor.

Natasha grabbed the back of my shirt, causing me to yelp in shock, and took a knife to the back and cut my shirt open to reveal blood stained bandages and dark blue bruises. I just sat there head down as I heard gasps, I felt the bandage around my bicep come off and I saw the six  slightly deep and rough knife cuts that James had done, covered with blood they just look sick and gross.

"Who." Harry demanded.

I was silent.

"Who Peter. Who did this to you? Did Flash do this?" Harry snapped.

"No.." I muttered.

"Who." Bucky asked.

"Flash's friends..." I muttered.

There were sighs, even from the Guardians. I felt Scott pick me up minding my injuries and sat me on the couch, Natasha grabbed the first aid kit and Bruce started to patch me up. I felt my eyes grow heavy and the next thing I knew I was out like a light.


Here is another chapter! I hope that you all enjoyed it! I brought in the Guardians!!! I also noticed that I brought Bruce back early since he was never introduced to Peter, so basically when Peter and Thor met Bruce came back just didn't meet Peter so the Med bay visits are where they meet basically. Oh if you want a Marvel character to show up in this let me know who and what they do since I did like without TV for most of my life and I didn't have Netflix. So I'll try to do my best on that but let me know what you think!

Started writing: July 17, 2019

Finished writing: July 18, 2019

Edit writing: July 19, 2019

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