Chapter 10

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~(Y/N)'s P.o.V~

"I won't let you die, you stupid clown!" Slenderman hissed as he made a portal.

I looked at Slenderman, amazed, as he started to carry Jack in his arms. "I made a portal to arrive faster to the tent, so we can save him. Now, let's hurry up!"

I did what I was ordered. Entered the portal with the others.

"What about the other two?" I asked worried.

"Masky and Hoodie knows the way. Now, let's get going."

The portal closed, and with a blink... We were already in the balcony. Slenderman ran inside with Laughing Jack, quickly. I followed him to his room. Laughing Jack's room was covered was grey, his curtains were black and torn. Everything was dull, no life. The only thing I saw colorful was a drawing with a little girl holding hands with... I gasped as I remembered that Colorful Jack.

"Is that..."I whispered. I turned the paper to the other side and there was something written.

"To Jack:
You will always be my best friend. No matter if we'll be far away, we can always remember each other."

I looked at the signature, and I opened my eyes widely. "That's my name..." I thought.

Laughing Jack groaned in pain. You ran towards him, worried. You looked at Slenderman healing his wound. "Will he be okay?" you asked.

"He will. Just let him rest for now" said Slenderman as he left the room "And you too, (Y/N). Don't worry. We'll be here for you if Skin Taker comes again."

Slenderman went downstairs. You looked at Laughing Jack in his bed, resting; you sighed as you walked to your room. You lay down on your bed and looked at the roof. You closed your eyes gently and fell asleep.

"Is this... My home!" you said as you ran to the front door. You were going to open the door, but you heard some laughter coming from backyard. You looked at your childhood self once more. "Jack?" You gasped as you see again Colorful Laughing Jack.

"Yes? What is it?"

Your childhood self gives a drawing to him.

"For me? You shouldn't have, lil' one" he said as he smiles "You will always be my best friend. No matter if we'll be far away, we can always remember each other. Aw, that's so sweet of you."

"Sweetie, come back inside. It'll start raining any moment" your mom said as she entered to the house.

"C'mon, Jack! Let's play inside!"

"Alright" he laughed.

"I don't get it. What does this has to do with me? I don't even remember this..." you said as you looked at the grey sky... You ended at the abandoned Carnival once again. "What am I doing here again?"- you hugged yourself. Until, you heard a scream for help. You ran quickly, but you saw Laughing Jack already ahead of you.

"(Y/N)!! Are you-" Colorful Laughing Jack gasped "YOU!"

"My! My! What a delicious treat I found!"

"Skin Taker! What the hell are you doing!?"

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