Chapter 3

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"Jack? Are you ok, Jack?"

Laughing Jack groaned "Huh? Oh! I'm ok, kid."

"You gave me a quite scare."

"I'm alright, lil' (Y/N). C'mon. Let's go to the Carnival" he said as he grabbed your hand.

*End of Flashback*

You wake up and looked at the time on the television. "I've slept for three hours" you said while yawning "What a weird dream... It was me, little, and with..."

You gasped and sat up from the sofa. You started to shake by the anxiety and look at Laughing Jack. You glared at him.

"Now, what?"

You stood up and went upstairs.

"Don't you dare slam the... "
You slammed the door of your room with no hesitation.

"Damn that girl!!!" he hissed.

You stayed at your room, watching (your favorite tv show). Until you've receive a call from your mom.


"Oh! Hi, (Y/N). There's a problem"

"What is it, mom?"

"We are going to visit your grandmother in North Dakota. Unfortunately, is an emergency call, So, there's extra money in my drawers. Remember, that is for food and for emergency only. Don't forget to take Kenny to his soccer practice and make sure he's eating good."

You sighed- "Alright, mom."

You hanged up the phone and left your room. Went downstairs and sees Kenny in the backyard playing with Laughing Jack. You lightly smile when you see them together. Kenny enters from the kitchen and sees you making his lunch.

"(Y/N), when mommy and daddy are coming home?" he asks while looking at you with his big, adorable eyes.

"They're going to visit gradma and you know what that means when they visit gradma..."

Kenny gasped "Gifts?"

"Exactly! Gifts for her favorite grandkids"

"Even for Laughing Jack she'll bring too?" Kenny wondered.

Your joyful smile went into a gloomy one. You groaned when you looked at the clown. "Yeah... even for Laughing Jack, too. Now, wash your hands. I'm gonna make some Mac' n Cheese"

Kenny goes upstairs. You sighed and felt that Laughing Jack started to play with a strand of your (h/l), (h/c) hair. You glared at him while cooking the pasta

"What do you want, clown?"

"You are just too beautiful right now" he smiled.

You sighed "So? Don't you have a girlfriend or somebody to be with instead of making my life impossible with you around?"

"Nope. I'm single until I find the right girl. And that girl is you" Laughing Jack said when he booped the tip of your nose with his long, thick claws.

"Why me?" Laughing Jack sighed and looked at the window "Is something that you won't understand"

"Like what?" you wondered.

"Well... um... let's see... hmmm... OH! You still remember when we went to THE Carnival?"

"What Carnival?"

"You don't remember? When you were a little girl. Like about this yea short, with your very and cute ponytails and a little, (f/c),cute dress that you always wore? You and I always hanged out there" Laughing Jack explained.

You gasped and slapped him on the head "Did you just saw my embarrassing pictures of that time?!?!?! UGH!!!"

"She really doesn't remember me"- Laughing Jack thought.

He sighed, pulls towards you and starts to hug you tightly. You blushed more and more every minute.

"Why you can't remember me, (Y/N)...?"

"I'm here!"- said Kenny while he was entering to the kitchen "Huh?!"

You squealed and pushed Laughing Jack to the side "Kenny!! Is not what it looks like... I was... uh..."

"It's ok. I knew it already" he said as he sat down.

You were just awestruck "Meh... Anyway, the Mac'n Cheese are ready."

"Alright!" Kenny yelled excited.

You just looked at Laughing Jack with his arms crossed, smiling. You looked at Kenny inmediatly- "What's this feeling I'm having with HIM?"

After Kenny finished his lunch and was taking his nap time, you sighed relieved. And, then, you see Laughing Jack sleeping on the sofa. You look at him, and got more amazed when you see him, appreciating him more. Starting with his pitch black hair, his pale skin, his swirly coned nose and his thick claws. You, gently with your hand, played with his hair. Until, he pulls you towards him and hugs you while he was sleeping. You couldn't move.

"Candy... Roller Coasters..."

"He's talking in his sleep" you thought.


Your eyes were widely open when he mentioned you. You yawned and fell asleep in his arms.

"Huh? Why is this?" you wondered "Huh? Is that me?"

You see your childhood self playing around a field full of purple flowers, enjoying the moment.

"Jack! Look!"

"Jack?" your  wondered.

You see somebody looking exactly like Laughing Jack, but he was colorful.

"Jack?!"- you yelled shockedly.

Laughing Jack x Reader (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now