Chapter XI: The Final Frontier - Part 2

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A year after Moira's departure from the newly formed community, Windenburg Safe-Zone, two leaders of the group emerged: Mortimer and Sofia. They had already instructed their construction crew to build a wall with a gate around the plaza, with all of the houses inside it. Hugo and Sergio have collected fence scraps and materials to make this happen. 

Also, the six houses that surrounded the plaza, and were made new filled survivors and provided a place for them to live and sleep. Bella, Alexander, and Mortimer live in one home, and Eric, Nina, Eva, and Johnny stay in another next to them. On the other side of the plaza, Sofia and Elsa reside in a house; Liberty, Hugo, and Luna in another home, and Sergio and Lucas live in the house next to Liberty's. The final home consists of the rest of the community, and it is a large, family dwelling. 

Mortimer and Bella visit the medical center where they meet Liberty, the doctor. "Hey, guys," Liberty greets them. "I just wanted to check up on the baby, and your progress, Bella." Liberty motions to Bella's nine-month pregnant belly. Bella chuckles.

"Oh, I haven't been doing too much around Windenburg. Thanks for asking, Liberty."

Mortimer nods his head. "Alex is very excited for his new baby brother or sister. And no, I'm not going to pick a gender," he says. Liberty smiles as she begins the examination. She places her cold hands on Bella's stomach. "The baby's fine," she affirms the couple. "It seems to be nice and healthy, so I actually don't think we need a medical examination. You're free to go."

Bella grins graciously. "Thank you, Doctor Lee," she tells Liberty as Bella and Mortimer head out of the center. "Well," Bella begins. "I'm glad having a baby in the apocalypse isn't such a bad idea after all!" Mortimer gives off a slight laugh. 

The two are now in the plaza, and Mortimer directs Bella to walk to the garden. "Just, if Alex is happy, we both should be." Mortimer spots Alexander and Lucas playing tag on one of the walkways. "Yeah," Bella agrees. "Now Alex will have a little sibling now, and we haven't seen a growler in weeks. Everything is going according to plan." Bella and Mortimer stroll in silence for a little while. 

Tiredly, Bella sighs. "Look, honey, I'm sorry about Cassandra. It was my fault-" Mortimer stares at Bella. "Be quiet. We're moving forward. You can forget about it now. We're lucky to be alive."

Bella wants to continue on, but later she decides it is best to keep her mouth shut. Out of one of the houses, Eva, Nina, and Eric approach the couple. "What's up, guys?" Eva says. Nina clears her throat. "Want to garden with us? We're bored, so..."

"We can do that. I mean, Sergio's watching Alex, and I'm up for a little watering of the plants, if you know what I'm talking about," Mortimer jokes. Eric laughs, quite amused. "Don't make it awkward. Let's go." The five survivors venture to the community garden, where plants are up for harvesting and some needing to be watered.

Meanwhile, Sergio, having now fully adopted Lucas, watches him, Alexander, and another kid called Olivia play a game of tag. "Oh, no!" Sergio cries out. "Olivia is 'it' now. You boys better run!" The girl, Olivia runs to catch up to Alexander, while Lucas hides behind a nearby tree. "Lucas, it's tag, not hide and seek," Alexander points out.

Lucas looks at Alexander. "There's no rule for that," he explains, as Sergio chuckles. "Ah. I love kids," Sergio mutters to himself. Suddenly, a loud voice comes over the community. It is Sofia with a loudspeaker. "Attention, everyone!" she begins. "We have a visitor!"

All of the survivors gather at the wall on their side of the safe-zone. They emerge from the garden area, from all over the plaza, and their houses. Sofia and Mortimer both approach the wall gate vigilantly. Once Mortimer opens the gate, the person reveals herself to have red hair, now cut shorter, with a new look and a weapon in hand. A woman of the community's past, Moira decides to tell the entire group why she left and the reason she came back to Windenburg.

Once Moira arrives after a year, all of her former friends gather on the new benches put in place. Everyone starts to stare at her. "I guess I should get to explaining, should I?" Moira states sardonically. By this time, Moira knows what she has to do. 

"Okay. I'll start. One year ago, I had to find my daughters, if there was any chance of them being still alive. So I left, and I'm sorry." Bella nods her head, sadly. "I went out, into the unknown. I found some weapons along the way. I eventually found a bike and pedaled my way to my neighborhood." Moira becomes choked up, while everyone else tries to listen.

"Found one of my daughters... Morgan, as one of them. She looked so horrifying, and especially scary to me because, well, she was my daughter." She breaks out in sobs. Eric questions her. "One of your daughters?" he asks softly. "Where are the others?" Moira shakes her head.

"I don't know," she tells him, still tearfully. "I checked everywhere for Siobhan. She was nowhere to be seen, dead or alive. My best guess is that she ran away, somewhere.  I have... no idea." Mortimer glances at Moira sympathetically. "I'm so sorry," he says. "Really. I know what it's like." 

The survivors sit on the benches for a while, and surprisingly, Bella's water breaks. She cannot be whisked off to the medical center quickly, and is forced to give birth on one of the couches. Liberty rushes to her aid. "Bella, you're going to have to do this here, I'm sorry. Push, Bella, push!"

Mortimer is by her side, while Alexander almost faints at the sight of blood. After ten minutes, little Marcus is born to Mortimer and Bella. The couple, along with Alexander is present in the medical center, when Liberty is washing the blood off of Marcus. 

"I didn't die!" Bella cracks a joke to her family, but Alexander is confused. Mortimer laughs with fulfillment and enjoyment. Liberty hands the baby to Bella. "Oh my God, Mortimer, Alex, look! Marcus is so adorable." The Goth family all glances at Marcus, with a sparkle in his small eyes. Liberty smiles, admiring Marcus. "I'm going to leave you guys alone for a bit." Bella thanks her, as she kisses her third child.

"I love all of you," Mortimer tells his family. "Group hug!" Alexander exclaims. Mortimer, Bella, and Alexander embrace, and Mortimer stares at the very small child. Bella coos at the baby before telling her family something important. 

"I'm glad that Marcus has a place to call home. We all do."

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