Chapter III: Danger Lurking

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Mortimer, still white-skinned, albeit pale, runs away from the blue growlers towards Bella, managing to salvage some of the guns him and Bella found. 

"I don't get it," Bella remarks. "You're not one of them." Sporting a fresh, dark red circle, a bite on his neck, Mortimer replies, "We have to find our kids. Let's go!"

Mortimer and Bella run down the path they took to arrive at the gun shop to find their children. After about a minute of walking, Cassandra finds the two. Bella gives Cassandra and Alexander a tight hug, and Alexander asks about the bite on Mortimer's neck, to which Cassandra immediately changes the topic. The family walks together back down the same path, without a growler in sight.

"I suggest we take a different path," Mortimer tells his family. "Where we're going right now is going to lead us back home, where there could be more of the zombies."

"There isn't a different path, Dad," Cassandra states sarcastically. "We'll have to cut corners then and go on the grass," Bella jumps in, mad at her daughter.

Mortimer once again leads the family through different, unfamiliar places outside, when Cassandra brings up something important. "You could turn at any minute," she tells her father bluntly. "Shhh," Bella warns Cassandra. "Please don't scare your brother."

"What do you mean?" Alexander inquires. Bella pulls her son aside and head for somewhere else, leaving Cassandra and her father alone to talk.

 "I saw in the gun store," Cassandra remarks to her father. "The people the growler cashier infected; they didn't turn right away. They got bit, just like you were."

"Don't state the obvious, Cassandra. Now, we need to find some sort of a cure-"

"What if there isn't one?" Cassandra looks at her father with despair in her eyes. 

"We're going to find it," Mortimer reassures Cassandra. "I know we will." Bella and Alexander re-join Mortimer and Cassandra, and all four continue on their unknown path, possibly as misleading as the wind.

The ten minutes of tension while on the move are filled with Bella unsuccessfully shooting one growler, while going for the neck, leaving a large blood splat oozing out of it, and later trying again. Alexander throws up a little at the grotesque sight.

"We need to keep moving," Cassandra states, annoyed with her mother. "The growlers could be attracted to the sound." 

After a little while, the family comes across an abandoned car, in a parking lot of some sort.

"My legs are so tired," Alexander groans. "Well, maybe sweetie, we can use this car to get somewhere safe," Bella tells him. Mortimer nods his head. "That's a good idea, actually. Let's see what's in this trunk."

Mortimer attempts to lift the surprisingly open trunk. "There aren't any supplies," Mortimer remarks, "but there is a bottle of some sort." The bottle reads 'Zombification Cure', and Mortimer is overjoyed when his family comes over to the car.

"Oh, thank God. Just try it. It could be anything, but..." Cassandra tells him. Mortimer spills the cure on his bite, and white is all over his wound. "Hopefully it works. So what are we waiting for?" Cassandra asks her parents. Bella puts all of the guns in the trunk, and the family piles up into the car, with Mortimer driving. "Nothing," Bella says.

Mortimer backs the car out of the parking lot, and drives down the road, knowing that the car is fully functioning. Once on the road, Cassandra spots a few growlers from her seat window, but reassures her brother that they will not be coming for them. Ten or so minutes later, Mortimer sees a tall, two-story brick building that seems to look in excellent shape.

"Honey, stop on this road. I want to see inside this place," Bella tells her husband. Mortimer halts the car, and alerts the family to be cautious while they are stepping out of the car. "Cool," Alexander states. 

The four survivors stand before the magnificent building. "I'll go alone. To see if it's clear," Mortimer suggests. "You sure?" Bella asks, and her husband simply nods his head as he turns toward the building.

Mortimer enters the gate surrounding the complex, and inspects the area. It has a walkway with stairs leading up to the entrance, a garden and some plant boxes. Mortimer sees no growlers so far, so he looks in the windows of the building. None there either. 

"Fine, guys!" he alerts his family as Mortimer walks back to them. "I haven't checked beyond the front door yet," Mortimer remarks to his family as they are just about to enter the building itself. "Here goes," he worries. All four enter the building, and they find themselves in a long, dark hallway with doors on both left and right, and a small stair case at the end. "Let's explore this place," Cassandra tells her mom. 

Bella checks the top floor and the bottom floor, with still no growlers in sight. There are bedrooms, two bathrooms, and classrooms in both floors, and other rooms such as a cafeteria, activity center, and a principal's office. "I think it's a school," Mortimer's daughter tells him. "Me too," he replies back.

"Hopefully this is our forever home," Bella tells her husband as the kids pick out their rooms. "You know what, I really do," Mortimer replies happily. "I'm going to ask Cassandra to garden with me," Bella says. "We're going to use the fruit and vegetable seed packets to do that, as well as the gardening supplies we now have."

"Wow, I can't believe how lucky we are," Mortimer remarks. However, outside the school walls, there are still plenty of growlers lurking about on a nearby road.

No Sanctuary - A Sims 4 Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें