Chapter X: The Final Frontier - Part 1

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Bella is surprised that Alexander and Lucas are still awake at this hour. "Kids, it's very late," she rebukes. "Get to bed." This infuriates Lucas. 

"You're not my mom," he spits out. Alexander and Bella are both stunned at his words, with Bella staring at Lucas, confused. Alexander decides to alleviate this tension. 

"Well, she's mine. And it's late, so we need to go to bed." Bella nods her head to agree with her son. Lucas and Alexander head upstairs to their bedrooms and both drift off to sleep. 

"I think we all need rest," Eric tells the group. "And don't worry about Sergio, Moira, and Mortimer. They'll get back to us soon enough, with the girl and her sister." Nina nods, while Bella looks worried.

"I'm scared for the four, or five of them. I hope they come back safe," Bella suggests. Eva makes eye contact with her. "We should all just, get some sleep. They'll be here in the morning-" The front door opens suddenly. Mortimer, Moira, and Sergio arrive with the little girl, Elsa, and her sister, Sofia. All of their groupmates also come through the door, also. Bella questions her husband. "What's going on?"

Everyone sits in either the kitchen or the living room to converse with each other. Eva looks at Elsa cautiously on one of the couches. "I thought you said your sister was sick," Eva says. "Is she really?" Sofia notices this. "I'm not sick, okay. I don't have the actual virus," Sofia reveals. "But I've always wanted to meet with other groups, to build an actual community." 

"Well, we can start by taking out the growlers still going at this house," Mortimer overhears. Sofia pays attention to him. "We need all the people we can get," Moira tells Sofia. Sofia decides that everyone will go out and kill the zombies in the morning. Elsa tells everyone that all of Sofia's group brought sleeping bags to Eva's house. 

The following morning, Eva, Mortimer, Sergio, Nina, and Sofia venture outside to kill the remaining growlers at the back of the house. Sofia also knows of the strategy of beating them with the survivors' guns, and everyone manages to rid of the zombies without attracting more. After all of the creatures have been killed, the five stop to rest on the ground.

"So," Eva begins while everyone is resting. "Now that we're a merged group, I think we should expand our sleeping quarters by dividing us all up into these houses." She points to the abandoned homes surrounding the square park, next to the group's house. "That's a good idea," Mortimer agrees. "But we need to fix up those houses first. Clear out any growlers in them, too."

"Well, we should start now," Nina insists. "We'll tell the others about this when we come back to the house." Sergio motions for everyone to stand up. The five survivors, cautiously, open the doors to the abandoned, run-down houses, and scour those areas for any growlers, to track down and kill them. 

For the duration of eleven minutes, Mortimer finds three growlers, Sofia kills two, Nina deals with four zombies, and Sergio and Eva each track down one creature. Once they are all done, Sofia remarks that the group needs to fix up the run-down parts of the houses, tormented by growlers.

So, over the next few days, a "construction crew" consisting of Mortimer, Sergio, Moira, Nina, Eric, and Hugo went out with their tools that Sofia's group scavenged and boarded up any wooden plank, repaired any broken window, and cleaned up puddles of blood. 

Bella, Eva, and Luna borrowed gardening supplies from their home to create a new garden in the center of the plaza that is surrounded by the houses. "We can have enough to feed the entire group," Luna says. Lastly, the group made sure to build a medical center, where the sole doctor of the group, by the name of Liberty, ran. She set up a bed, with an IV  that she found from a local hospital. 

In the present, everyone is enjoying their night with a campfire, with all of the survivors sitting by it on benches at one of the houses. Alexander and Lucas, growing their friendship, eat a large amount of s'mores, with Bella watching them, and the rest of the children play games. 

"You know, I'm glad there's not a single one of the dead ones in sight," a survivor with a Southern accent, named Johnny, tells Sergio. "Honestly, I'm not going to be surprised if we run into some," Sergio replies. "There are some still out there, you know."

At another bench, Moira and Mortimer have a conversation. "This is great," Moira starts, and Mortimer smiles. 

"Yeah, and?"

"There's only one thing missing. Like, really missing."


"My daughters. I need to leave. I need to find them. Mortimer, tell the others bye for me. Please."

Moira runs out into the plaza.

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