Chapter 6- Jacking Off, Mario Kart, and Wraslin'

Start from the beginning

        "Hey, can you pass me the cereal?" I asked Calum. He was sitting across from me, in a tank top that showed off his arms, paired with a snap-back. Usually, I hated that 'bad-boy/ douche bag' look. It was no different with Calum. He looked arrogant and douchey and like a tool, and super sexy and kind of to die for. 

        "Sure." Without looking up from his phone, he slid me the cereal. He laughed at something on the screen, and I noticed how cute his little smile was.

        It's really hard to be furiously angry with someone who is adorable. 

        "So, guys, I need to talk to you." Jade spoke up suddenly. She had been making herself tea, and she know stood by the counter, slowly sipping it. "Max had to work today, and unfortunately, I have to as well. We're both actually working late. So you guys will be home alone today. Have and party and we'll kill you. Other than that, have fun. If one of you wants to have a friend over or something, cool."

        I nodded, as did Calum. "Cool." He said.

        I, however, did not consider it 'cool'. Not even a little bit. Spending awkwardly with Calum and probably some tool that Calum would inevitably invite over.

        "Great. See you guys tomorrow, or maybe tonight." She grabbed her purse and briefcase, and swept out the door.

        It was silent in the kitchen for several awkward moments. "Look, I'm sorry you walked in on me last night. But it isn't my fault." He suddenly spoke up.

        I laughed nervously. "I.. I know. Its just...  Awkward... I mean.. I.."

        "I know. I would've been pretty awkward for me if I walked in on you.. Screwing some guy."

        "So, we good?" I asked, twirling my hair around my hair. I saw his gaze lock in that, and I wondered why he stared so intently.

        "We're good." He agreed. "Come on, now that we're good, we should do something. Like have me beat your ass in Mario Kart."

        "You wanna take me on?" I asked, snapping my fingers in a 'Z' formation, jokingly.

        "Let's go." He winked and stood. "First one to the living room gets the nice control." And dashed out of the room.

        "No fair!" I wailed. "YOU HAD A HEAD START!"

        He did end up beating me to the room, and got our nice white controler. However, I wouldn't let the fact that he had a better controller be the reason that that little muggle win.

        We chose Rainbow Road as our track, and the games began.


        After two races, with each of us winning one, we decided to do best out of three. Of course, I won.

        As I pulled over the finishing line, I stood up and whooped, double fisting. "TAKE THAT, YOU NOOB!" I did a little, extremely mature victory dance.

        "That's some bullshit." Calum threw the control down, rolling his eyes. "You're such a cheater."

        "Oh really? And how exactly would I cheat?" I asked, sticking my tongue out at him.

        "Well, you managed to beat me, so you must've cheated."

        "Wow, mature." I pushed on his shoulders.

        He pushed back, and I landed on the couch, laughing. I kicked him gently, and he responded by leaning over and tickling me. The boy's nerve.

        "OH MY GOD! CALUM, I WILL KILL YOU!" I screamed out, squirming and kicking at him as he tortured me with the tickles. He tickled my stomach mercilessly. I was an extremely ticklish person, but most people didn't know that.

        "YOU CRUEL, CRUEL BOY!" I gasped between laughter. He was hunching over me, tickling me with one hand, and evading my attempts to stop him with the other.

        "This is what happens when you pick fights with the CALUM!" He said his name very dramatically, though he was chuckling all the way through it.

        "Oh really?" I rolled, so we fell off the couch. Calum grunted loudly, and I landed on top of him, and we were both still laughing our asses off.

        Getting my revenge, I began to tickle him, straddling his lower stomach. "HOW DOES IT FEEL, YOU BIG BULLY?" I laughed.

        He was laughing so hard at that point. He kicked his legs and laughed. "STOP! STOP!" His whole face was bright red. "LET ME GO, RAVEN!"

        "NEVER!" I gasped out, my own face red from laughter.

        We continued to wrestle, pinning each other and tickling until we were both out of breath, and gasping for air. It didn't get sexual at all, it was purely fun. And I hadn't had that much fun in forever.

        We ended up next to each other, still chortling lightly. "Wow, you have stamina and strength for a little nerd." He commented.

        "Wish I could say the same." I teased, poking his side. "Good game, booger."         

        "Same to you, Rave." He shortened my name effortlessly, and I had to admit that I loved hearing him say my name like that.

        We contuined to lay next to each other, exchanging jokes, and just talking, for who knows how long.

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