54: Dirty Details

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- two weeks later -

~ Amanda's' POV ~

I woke up to somebody rapidly pounding their fist on the front door. I must've dozed off on the couch. I stood up, and as my head pounded, I made my way over to the door.

I looked through the peep hole to see Heather and Melissa standing there, eagerly as ever. I rolled my eyes lightly before taking a deep breath and opening the door for them.

"Amanda!" They exclaimed, letting themselves in.

"Are you okay?" Heather asked, in a slightly worried tone as she saw what a mess I currently looked like.

"Fine," I said, reluctantly accepting a hug from each of them.

"We haven't heard from you for a week," Melissa explained. "We had to come and check up on you."

"Great," I said, somewhat sarcastically. "Thanks," I said, hoping my sarcasm didn't translate.

"And...," Heather began. "We came to kidnap you!"

"Again?" I asked Heather, this time in a teasing manner. It reminded me of the time that Tommy 'kidnapped' me from the studio to bring me back to his house so him and Heather could lecture me on why I shouldn't get back together with Vince. Boy, they were wrong.

"We're going to go out and have some fun," Melissa said. "As soon as you get ready."

I should've guessed that. They were both dressed to the nines, of course they wanted to get me out of the house. I had spent the past week mainly resting. It was exhausting going through everything with the accident, and the toll of being pregnant was starting to really weigh down on me.

I knew that protesting what they wanted wasn't going to do me any good, so I started walking up the stairs and they followed me. I worried about how I was going to pass off not drinking while around them, assuming that's what they wanted to do tonight.

"So have you talked to Vince much?" Heather asked, trying to make conversation as I went through my closet for something that would conceal the slight bump on my stomach.

"He can't have any outside contact," I mumbled.

"Oh that's right, I'm sorry," Heather said. "I should just stay out of it."

"No, it's fine," I said, swirling around to ask if they liked the top that I was holding in front of me.

"Why don't you find something that shows off your figure a little more," Melissa said, scrunching her nose at my choice.

"I'm not feeling like showing anything off tonight," I said back, longing to be near the one person I wasn't allowed to be near right now.

"It looks great," Heather intruded.

I went into the bathroom, not wanting to risk them seeing anything I didn't want them to. I didn't want to tell them too early on about the baby, considering how hard things were the last time I was pregnant and lost the baby. I couldn't go through that again, so I wanted to wait.

I threw on the clothes and tied my hair into a tight, high pony. I threw on a little bit of makeup to add some color to my face and stepped out of the bathroom, ready to head out for the night. Or, as ready as I'd ever be.

"Now, don't be mad," Heather said as we walked out to her car waiting for us in the driveway.

"We invited Lita," Melissa started.

"Oh, that's fine," I said. I liked Lita a lot, I was glad that she was coming along. Actually, she knew about my little secret as well.

"And Lauren," Heather added.

Motley Crue - You're All I Need (Vince Neil/Nikki Sixx/Tommy Lee/Heather)Where stories live. Discover now