25: Love's A Bitch

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- 4 months later -

~ Vince's POV ~

Our last plane ride of the tour is just heading out. Next stop: home sweet home. I couldn't wait to get back into a regular routine and to have some normality again. Being on the road and acting wild every night is fun for awhile, but it gets to be a lot when it's an every day occurrence. I needed a break.

I leaned my head against the window and enjoyed the view, knowing it would probably be awhile before I'd be here again. Stephen was already halfway through his six month tour and from the couple of times we've been able to catch each other on the phone, it seemed he was having a really good time. I was a little sad, though, that I wasn't going to see him for awhile.

The plane ride seemed to move slower than ever before, and the cab ride from the airport back to my apartment was somehow even longer. It was about three in the morning by the time I was finally climbing into bed, and I was way too excited to sleep.

- many hours later -

I must've slept for fifteen hours, I was so exhausted from just everything, but mainly from traveling. And damn it felt so good to be back at home again.

I took a long shower and realized how late it was as I squeezed the water out of my hair. I wondered if anybody was playing at the bar tonight, I really didn't just want to sit around all evening. Especially after sleeping in as late as I did. I threw on some night clothes and threw on my leather jacket before heading out the door.

It was a crisp night, really starting to feel like fall already and it was only August. The owner greeted me on my way in with a handshake and another congratulations and I headed backstage to see who was here tonight.

"Hey, Vince, good to see 'ya," David said as I walked by and I nodded my head at him. I headed toward the couch where a few of my old friends: Eddie, Sebastian, Joe, and Jon, were sitting. I haven't see them since before I left for the first half of the tour and they all greeted me warmly.

"And Stephen's gone on his own, too," Eddie said after I told them all about our tour. "Look at all of us, growing up and stuff."

"It is pretty amazing," I said. Not to pat myself on the back, but I was really surprised at how far we had made it so quickly. And it was nice to be able to share that success with some of my friends who were some of their own.

Tommy and Heather came to join our group and I watched them as Tommy told his rendition of the tour. It was so amazing how they were able to stay together through everything. And I was so surprised that Tommy actually had kept his promises to her this time. But, no offense, I never would've thought that they'd be together longer than Amanda and I. But life will always surprise you.

I honestly hadn't thought much about Amanda the past few months. It took everything in me to try and get her out of mind, and even the help of various substances couldn't quite drown my feelings for her. I didn't know if I should talk to her, try to be friends, or simply leave her alone. But I had to make up my mind quick because she was walking towards us with Melissa.

I wasn't expecting to see her this soon, she never used to come to shows during the week. But clearly she had changed, and probably in more ways than just this one.

"Hey, g-guys," Amanda said as she sat down on the arm of the couch across from me, stuttering when she saw me sitting there. I gave her a smile but she was reluctant to return it.

Her and Melissa started talking about Stephen and I couldn't help but watch her from the corner of my eye. Her hair was cut differently, it was shorter and she got layers. I always thought that she'd look good with them, and I was definitely right. I noticed her nails were painted red. She never used to paint her nails because they would get ruined from her paints and thinners. I just so badly wanted to talk to her, even if it was just as friends, because I just missed her so much. All of what I said before about me trying to get her out of my head I was now completely throwing out the window. I had no idea what I was going to do anymore.

Motley Crue - You're All I Need (Vince Neil/Nikki Sixx/Tommy Lee/Heather)Where stories live. Discover now