Chapter 29

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            A few hours later Brad and I checked out of the hotel. The man at the front desk gave us a peculiar look when I grabbed Brad's waist as he sighed out the papers and kissed him on the cheek lightly.

            Brad smiled at the man, "thanks." He said, turning around and walking out the door, hand in hand. The man scratched his head, then shrugged before getting back to work.

            We walked to our car, popping open the doors and climbing in. I sighed, "the world is doomed."

            "Maybe not." Brad said optimistically starting the engine. My eyes wondered over the other cars in the parking lot as Brad backed the truck out and started driving down the road.

            My eyes came to rest on a familiar looking pick-up truck, rust covering the entire thing from rear to wheel. It looked more rust than metal. I inhaled deeply, "stop the car!"

            Brad pushed the breaks and the truck came to a squealing halt, "what the...!"

            "Look!" I said before he could get the words out, "look at that!" My finger pointing at the old beaten pickup.

            "Oh my god." Brad said, "Good and Luck are here..."

            "We could use them." I said suddenly, "if we can find them we can get them to help us."

            Brad rolled his eyes, "they aren't going to help us!"

            "I beg to differ." I smiled.

            Brad paused, then sighed, "what's your plan."

            My smile widened.


            Good and Luck were easy to find. They were staying in the only hotel in the whole town. The man at the front desk tipped his hat as we walked in, and after a few minutes of trying to get the room number of their newest guests, Brad resorted to a swift punch in the face, "ok!" The man yelled, "ok! They are in room 232!" He paused, climbing to his feet, "now can I have some peace and quiet!?"

            "Thank you!" I smiled, and then followed Brad as he walked up the stairs. I saw the man at the front desk walk over to the hotel window and turn the open/closed sigh to closed.

            "Crazy people. The whole worlds gone crazy." I heard him murmur. How right he was, I thought. How right he was.

            Good and Luck were surprised to see us, and originally pulled out their guns until we explained things to them, and they re-holstered them. "Your crazy." Good said, but then as we told them the story they began to believe us.

            "You mean...." Luck interrupted, "that this virus kills you and then you turn to dust?" He paused, then Good looked at his brother wild eyed.

            "Like mom..." Good paused, "and then you are saying that if you breath this dust you get sick?"

            "Yes." Brad answered.

            "And this sickness looks like...?" Good asked.

            "Like razor burn at first, but then it gets worse really fast." I said, my arms over my chest.

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