Chapter 23

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            Cops climbed from their cars, guns pointed towards my house, fully clothed in bullet proof vests and helmets. The two men in front of me were wearing what looked to be yellow bags and gas masks that read 'bio-hazard' on them. They had bright yellow plastic gloves to match and they were reaching for me, their nastily sounding voices echoing through the mask that filtered the air that they breathed in, "come with us." They repeated, taking a step forward towards me. Their attire seemed so foreign that they looked like aliens to me.

            "No." I refused, taking a step back and trying to close the door but the man on the right shoved his plastic covered foot in the door, stopping me from closing it fully. No way did I want to go with them! What did they want? Who were they? Why did they have guns pointed at me?

            "We aren't giving you a choice." He said, the cops guns seemed to see me even through the house. How I hated guns. How I hated being at the wrong end of them. How I longed to be at the right end. Who were they to threaten me in my own house? Who were they in general?

            "I have rights!" I said, backing up into the wall that seemed oddly closer than it had been.

            "Miss, you don't want to make us force you." The man on the left said, but his voice was higher, leading me to believe that behind the baggy attire was a woman.

            "I haven't done anything wrong." I protested as Brad descended the stairs.

            "What's going on!?" Brad's voice came at me from behind and I turned to him, somehow feeing safer. He had to have the answers I was looking for, right? The answers to the questions I couldn't bring myself to ask.

            "Sir, miss. We are the CDC. That's the Center Of Disease Control and we believe that you have come into contact with a highly contagious virus and need to quarantine you until we deem it safe for you, and the rest of the town to leave." The man said, his hand still out stretched towards me.

            "You mean that's a virus?" I questioned, the realization hitting me. My mind thinking back to Max and how close he had came to me. Poor Max, how I hoped me was alright. My stomach felt ill thinking about it.

            "Hell if we are cooperating!" Brad yelled, grabbing my arm and telling me to come with him. But I stopped, pulling away, shaking free of his grip. This was a virus, and if we didn't corporate that could mean spreading it to more innocent people. And what happens if we did indeed have it? We would need treatment. It had to be important if the CDC was in our small town.

            "Ok, I'll come with you willingly." I said after a small pause.

            "You can't be serious!" Brad yelled, but I walked towards the man, my hands over my head. "Iris!" The man grabbed my wrists, pulling hand cuffs out of his pockets and putting them around my one hand.

            The woman offered Brad to join me willingly, but he protested further. "No way in hell." He crossed his arms over his chest, being stubborn like always.

            "Brad, come on!" I pleaded. They had guns, there was no way that we were getting out alive if we tried to escape. "For me?" I added suddenly, not thinking about the words before they left my mouth. Brad looked at me puzzled, then sighed, putting his hands in front of him and allowing the woman to wrap hand cuffs around his wrists.

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