Chapter 14

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            I jumped to my feet, my wet socks causing me to slip and almost fall into Max who had stood up at the same time as I had. My hand was still on my mothers shoulder, but it had slipped down onto her forearm.

            I removed it and watched as Good coked his gun, motioning for us to follow him, "Luck? What's wrong?" He called, his voice seemed strong, as if he wasn't afraid of what lay in the house as we moved towards it. We left the fire unattended, but I was sure we didn't care as we headed up the stairs to the house, the house creaked again, the sound seemed so frightening, like creaking bones as we mounted the steps. Good pushed the door open, causing it to creak once again as we all headed in. His gun was still up as he walked in first, the darkness consuming him. He disappeared for three minutes before his hand reached out of the door, his finger making a 'come here' gesture.

            My feet sloshed in my running shoes that had turned from bright white, to dirty black in a matter of 24 hours. They stepped over the threshold of the farmhouse, the rotten wooden floor feeling wet and raw beneath me. I was the first to enter. The cold air hit me like a brick wall, taking my breath away and causing me to gasp into the open, feeling my lungs deflate like paper bags. I could barely even see Good in front of me, but I followed his small shadow.

             It was so dark in the house, it seemed as if it was a void of empty space. No air, no matter, just blackness. Maybe people had died here? I wondered, my mind jumping to the miner picture that I had seen in the room at Mr. Jean's house. Had those people died here? Had the mine collapsed and killed everyone except for him? Was there ghosts here, living in the walls?

            Suddenly an invisible hand grabbed my arm, pulling me backwards, causing me to fall into one of the rotten walls. The blackness consumed me too and suddenly I was no where. I couldn't see anyone anymore. Good had disappeared. Or maybe I had. No one knew, not even me. I screamed, my voice sounded through my throat but it didn't seem to enter the space around me. Was something muffling my voice? Was this what death felt like? Had this thing gotten Sam too?


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