Chapter 3

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            Sam and I just sat on the sofa away from Brad and Max who were playing video games and laughing. I was watching the TV. It was a sit-com I had never seen before, mostly because that I wasn't a big fan of TV. It was much more entertaining for me to get immersed in a good book. However, I did find this particular program rather riveting.

            "Do you think she loves him?" Sam asked, referring to the episode of Three Is The Number that we were currently watching.

            "Maybe. I think he has to just tell her how he feels. It can't hurt to ask, you don't want her falling for anyone else." I responded, following the sit-com's story-line.

            Hearing Brad chuckle across from us I rolled my eyes. I had been under the impression that he was sleeping. He was laying there, his sunglasses covering his eyes, his chair reclined and his arms over his chest with his tattoos fully exposed. "The romantic passion is killing me." He murmured under his breath, a smirk on his face. His gold tooth was slightly bigger than the rest of his teeth and it stuck out over his lip whenever he smiled.

            "What did you say?" Sam asked with a slightly annoyed tone. He sat up on the sofa tensely. A strained pause that filled the air.

            "Nothing." Brad shrugged, that smug grin still plastered on his face, his thick black eyebrows raised slightly higher than usual. He was pushing Sam's buttons, trying to determine how far he could push before Sam went over the cliff.

            Sam went to get up, but I pulled him back down, "no." I mouthed, "he's not worth it." Sam took a deep breath and then smiled at me before sitting back beside me, a deep breath leaving his lungs heavily, the tension leaking out of the trailer.

            Leaning closer to me I watched as the sun shined from the open window behind us and through his hair. I noticed that it looked blonder than it had during the summer. Briefly I wondered if he had dyed it, but then retracted the thought. It was barely a shade lighter and I was willing to bet good money that I was the only person who would notice it. He leaned into me, kissing me.

            "Oh God! Please get a room." Brad cued, throwing a red pillow over his face, "you're making me sick." His voice sounded muffled.

            Sam broke up the kiss and looked at my brother, his eyes narrowing, "we have a room, you're just in it." The tension began to pump back into the room again. My heart began to pump in my ears, the anticipation causing my body to shake.

            I bit my lip. This wasn't a good start to the trip, "buddy boy, I've been around longer than you ever will be. When Iris dumps your ass, I'm going to laugh my ass off. Knowing her, it will be soon too. I wouldn't get too comfy." Brad smirked, putting his feet up on the coffee table.

            I didn't want to feed the fire that was between the two of them, but it was true; I was never able to stick with one boyfriend for long. Usually it was due to Brad threatening their life and scaring them away, but deep down I knew it was more than him. I was forever changing my mind about the kind of guy I liked. Mostly because I was a picky girl, and got sick of them before long. The novelty would wear off and I would utter the same line, 'let's just be friends.' Maybe I just hadn't found the right guy.

             I remembered my first boyfriend, the happiness I felt as I invited him over for dinner. My parents had liked him and the night was going well until Brad punched him out. The poor kid had a black eye for the better part of the month and out of fear for his life he had broken up with me the day after.

            My eyes met Sam's asking him to let it go silently. He frowned at me, but then took a deep breath, "want to check out some of the other rooms?" He asked me, grabbing my hand and lifting me up.

            Knowing what he was doing I went along with it. Grabbing the remote and pushing the volume button all the way up before walking towards the bedroom. Smiling I gave him the confirmation he needed to continue. We both giggled.

            We walked through the door, shutting it as Sam grabbed my face and we started to kiss again. His hands slowly moved up my body and undid my bra from under my tank top throwing it at the wall. It hit with a soft thump. Pushing me gently onto the bed.

            That was when I heard the door to the bedroom creak open and in walked Brad, throwing his arms over his head with a yawn. "I'm going to sleep." He said lazily stumbling past us without acknowledging our presence. He mounted the small ladder to the top bunk and laid down. The bed creaked as his two-hundred-pound, six foot two frame laid on it, the mattress sagging.

            Sam was a shy boy and quickly sat up, fetching my bra for me. His eyes narrowed but he didn't speak as he sat back down on the sofa and lowered the volume.

            "Sam?" I asked quietly. I could tell he was about to snap and was staying quiet to keep the peace. He didn't answer, so I went back to watching Three Is The Number in silence.


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