I'm so sorry

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Hello everyone.

I'm sorry this isn't an update like you all were expecting. In fact, I'm certain many of you will be highly disappointed in me or even mad. And rightfully so. I made a promise and I was unable to keep it.

For those who haven't read my recent post, I've outgrown Fairy Tail and writing fanfiction on Wattpad as a whole. I'm now investing my time on Ao3, Archiveofourown.org, for some fresh air under the same username: BookwormSid1015.

Since I won't be on Wattpad anymore to finish this story-- or any of my other ones-- I'm allowing people to grab any incomplete work and finish it on their own terms. Ironic since I wanted to the same thing with this book, I know. I have no excuse and I apologize to KuuraMal and everyone else I disappointed.

However, I do have good news: Stefan994544 has offered to take this story off my hands! Thank you so much for your kindness, Stefan. I'm certain you'll do great things for the story!

Thank you all so much for reading the story, everyone! I'm sorry for the disappointment and I hope you all can forgive me.

See you on Ao3!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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