You wont like me anymore

Start from the beginning

I debated trying to sneak into a club a few cities over.  But I'd rather not get in trouble if I got caught. 

I walked into the living room and flopped down on the couch.  I turned on the tv and started flipping through channels absentmindedly. 


The front door slammed open caused me to jump awake from my nap. 

"Remington!"  Yelled Mom while slamming the door shut. 

"It's Remy!"  I screamed back, scrambling off the couch so I was standing.

"Don't talk back to me!"  She yelled while clambering down the hallway. 

I watched her with weary eyes as she walked into the living room.  She was smoking again.  She looked at me before pulling the cigarette out of her mouth.  She was wearing a tiny skirt that barely covered her ass, the tube top didn't do any better for her chest, she had on white stilettos, along with the cheap dollar store makeup, blonde highlights, and badly done spray tan.

"Did you find anything for dinner?"  She asked me.  Blowing a puff of smoke at me.

"You're the parent here, isn't that your job?"  I argued. 

"How many times do I have to tell you to not talk back to me?"  She growled.

"Or what?"  I said lowly.  "You'll kick me out too?"

"Your father ran away and abandoned us and you know that idiot,"  Anger filling his voice. 

"No, he left because you kept cheating on him,"  I argued. 

"That's not true!  He just left because you were such a fucking disappointment."  Mom seethed.  The words hurt, but it's not like I'm not used to hearing them. 

"No, it's 'cause you just sleep around with any guy that's willing to pay you."  I said, pointing a finger at her.

"It puts food on the table,"  Mom retorted. 

"For you!"  I yelled.  "Not me!" 

"And I care why?"

"You're my mom!"  I told her.  "You're supposed to help me!  Not sleep around and get drunk and high all the time!" 

"You don't know anything about me."  She growled. 

"I know enough." 

"You were a mistake.  You ruined my fucking life!" 

"Go ahead!"  I screamed.  "I don't care!  Tell me over and over how much I ruined your life and your marriage!  When it was your own god damn fault!" 

"I wish you weren't my son, you fucking disappointment."  Mom growled at me.  "Why couldn't you have been a good son?!  A normal son?!"

"That's not who I am."

"Why can't you just act like a normal boy?"  She asked.  "Why the disgusting heels?  Why the makeup?  Fucking fag."

"I can do whatever the fuck I want!"

"I.  Am.  Your.  Mother!"  She yelled.  "Boys don't belong in makeup!  It's not natural!"

"I don't care!"  I yelled back. 

"You were a mistake!  I wish I had just aborted you when your father got me pregnant!" She screamed. "I should have dumped his ass and just gotten rid of you! Than I wouldn't be stuck here."

"I didn't ask to be born!"

"Than why don't you kill yourself?!"

"Well then I wouldn't get to ruin your life anymore, would I?"  I taunted her despite trying to hold back tears now. 

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